Nov 1 - Christmas Shopping Season is hereJesus Christ, it ain't even Turkey Day and the stores are already selling stuff for the Christmas shopping season.I went into Wal-Mart and a number of other stores and they already had up some Christmas displays. I was riding my bike around and saw a Christmas Tree lot on Brown Road and Mesa Drive going up. I'm an atheist so Christmas means nothing to me other then a time for Christmas Parties and other celebrations that the Christians have. Hey, just because I don't believe in their silly superstitions doesn't mean I can party with the Christians. Nov 1 - Cold weather is hereIt has been getting cool in the mornings but this is the first morning I was really cold and shivered. Man I hate cold weather. I guess I will just have to wait for April for Summer to come and to get those nice 100°F tempatures. Cold weather sucks.Sheriff Joe is cooking the payroll books?In this article it looks like Sheriff Joe has been cooking the financial records of the Maricopa County Sheriff's office.That's not suprising. The biggest criminals out there are usually police officers. Phoenix will get it's investment back in 409 years!Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon and the members of the Phoenix City Council are now bragging that the investment of $900 million they made in corporate welfare at CityScape is paying off with big returns.The City of Phoenix will collect $2.2 million dollars a year in sales taxes. What Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon and the crooks, idiots or fools on the Phoenix City Council are not telling us is that it will take 409 years for the city of Phoenix to break even and get back the $900 million in corporate welfare the gave to the Palomar Hotel and Kimpton Hotels. Read more about the $900 million in corporate welfare that the City of Phoenix gave to the Palomar Hotel and Kimpton Hotels in this article. No free speech right at pollsMaricopa County Elections Director and government tyrant Karen Osborne says you don't have any First Amendment rights unless they are approved by her. Read more in this article.Lake Mead is getting smallerI don't beleive in global warming, or maybe better said is that if global warming exists I don't think the government should step in and fix it.With that said here is an interesting article about how Lake Mead keeps getting smaller and smaller. America the worlds biggest police state!!!American is the worlds biggest police state and jails more people per capita then any other country in the world.This is mostly because of the unconstitutional drug war which has caused two thirds of the people in American prisons to be there for victimless drug war crimes. Tempe Saint Luke's Hospital is part of the drug war problem. Read more in this article. San Francisco Bans Happy MealsSan Francisco passes law to drive McDonald's out of business?In this article the tyrants on the San Francisco County Board of Supervisors have banned "Happy Meals" in the City and County of San Francisco.Don't these government tyrants have thing better to do? Jan "Hitler" Brewer or Terry "Stalin" GoddardIt was tough deciding who to vote for. I got two really fantastic choices Jan "Hitler" Brewer or Terry "Stalin" Goddard.Who did I vote for? Read this article and find out. It certainly wasn't that kind of sort of maybe Libertarian guy named Barry Hess! Obama shoveling the BS to get reelected in 2012![]() Weird Collar Bomb Bank RobberyStrange Neck Bomb Bank RobberyThis is a really, weird story about a guy who was forced to rob a bank after some people placed a collar bomb around his neck and told him the bomb would go off killing him if he didn't rob the bank as instructed.The guy did rob the bank. But the bomb went off after he had been arrested by the police. In fact the bomb went off while the guy was handcuffed sitting in front of a police car. The worthless cops didn't prevent the bomb from going off and killing him. City of Bell screws local businessesWhat is an ideal job for a crook who wants to avoide going to jail?The answer to that is easy. Become an elected offical and use the power of government continue your stealing. Don't laugh. If you read this article you will find that the criminals, opps I mean elected officials, that run the City of Bell California are putting criminals to shame with their levels of theft! Sheriff Joe's goons ordered to testifyGovernment tyrants love to tell us that they are public servants who serve us and protect our rights.More often then not that is a big lie. In this article the police officers who work for the Maricopa County Sheriff Office put normal crimals to shame with their big time theft of tax dollars. Sheriff Joe's goons are being accused of stealing or mismanaging $8 million of the tax payers money. Hey David Dorn, you self proclaimed Libertarian, how many insuranse contracts has your Dorn Agency sold to these government crooks? You mean the drug war isn't making us safer?The government tyrants have told us for as long as the drug war has existed that the drug war is making us safer and protecting us from criminals.If you read this article about the drug war in Mexico where 30,000+ people have died in the drug war it sure doesn't sound like the government nannies and their worthless, unconstitutional drug war are making us safer. The Drug War Police State Continues - Prop 19 fails!Read this article about how sadly Prop 19, which would have legalized marijuana in California failed.Don't worry in 2 years it will be on the ballot again in California and hopefully we can start the beginning of the end of the failed American "War on Drugs", which is really a war on the American People and a war on the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Chicago Cubs screw Mesa taxpayers out of $99 millionIn this article the millionaire owners of the Chicago Cubs conned the Mesa taxpayers into giving them $99 million bucks in corporate welfare.Maybe the theme should be "No millionaire owner of a baseball team should be left behind"? After all it just ain't right to expect a millionaire owner of a baseball team to drive a Mercedes Benz that is more then a year old. ASU becomes part of the Military Industrial ComplexIn this article Arizona State University becomes part of the military police that and will help the Federal government terrorize it's citizens, or I should say serfs.Nov 4 - 100°F in Los Angeles?I hate it when those folks in Los Angeles get better weather then we do here in Phoenix. Yesterday it was a chilly 97°F in Phoenix while it hit 100°F in nice warm Los Angles!Source Heroin made illegal in 1924 or 1925In 1914 the US Government passed the "Harrision Narcotics Tax Act of 1914". The "Harrision Narcotics Tax Act of 1914" did not make drugs illegal at first but over a period of time the way the Act was interpenetrated they slowly made drugs illegal.Initially the "Harrision Narcotics Tax Act of 1914" required a license to sell or make drugs, but over time drugs were made illegal. A TV Show I saw on the History Channel last night said that heroin was banned in 1925. Other useless information I learned was around 1906 the Feds passes laws requiring businesses to label and list the ingrediants in all foods and drugs. "Harrision Narcotics Tax Act of 1914" did not make it illegal for doctors to prescribe narcotics for junkies, but the cops decided that is what the law meant and started jailing doctors who wrote prescriptions for junkies. Initially the Supreme Court didn't buy that argument, but after a few years the Supremes did side with the cops and it because illegal for doctors to prescribe narcotics for junkies. Now marijuana was not made illegal until 1937 with the passage of the "Marihuana Tax Act of 1937". According to the show I was watching on the History Channel the Feds at that time knew it was unconstitutional for them to make any kind of drugs illegal. They knew that the 9th and 10th Amendments made it illegal for the Feds to out law drugs. And so they took the back door route to make drugs illegal. They taxed the drugs. In fact the DEA was orginally part of the Treasury Department for that reason. Of course now the Feds think they can do anything they want based on the "interstate commerce" clause in the Constitution. Of course the folks who passed both the "Harrision Narcotics Tax Act of 1914" and the "Marihuana Tax Act of 1937" knew that and that is why they made both laws "tax laws" instead of laws that simply made the drugs illegal. Testing for Marijuana - Duquenois-Levine testI was surprised to read that the test the cops use to detect marijuana or THC is not fool proof.The test the police use to test for marijuana is the "Duquenois-Levine" test. This is what one web site said about the test: The Duquenois-Levine test is commonly used as a screening test in the field, but it cannot definitively confirm the presence of marijuana, as a large range of substances have been shown to give false positives. Despite this, it is common in the United States for prosecutors to seek plea bargains on the basis of positive D-L tests, claiming them definitive, or even to seek conviction without the use of gas chromatography confirmation, which can only be done in the lab.As usual you can't trust the government to be honest with you when it is trying to convict you of a victimless drug war crime and put you in jail. I went to a NORML meeting where a ex-cop with LEAP which is Law Enforcement Against Prohibition spoke and he said the same thing. That the cops will threaten to put you on trial even if they don't have a shred of evidence that can be used to convict you. He said you should never accept a plea bargain. Now if everybody refused to accept plea bargains the legal people I know say it would cause the system to crash. But sadly most people accept plea bargains so the best thing to do is talk with a lawyer who is on your side about it. George W. Bush admits torturing POWsIn this article George W. Bush admits that he is a war criminal and ordered the torture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who is often called KSM.Of course Obama won't charge George W. Bush with war crimes because Obama is running for reelection in 2012 and needs to get as many votes as possible. Do the police now run the Arizona Indy Media siteI am wondering have the police taken over the Arizona Indy Media Org website? This article thinks the cops have taken over that website.Test Credit Card NumbersEvery have a web page that you want to accept credit card. One problem is testing the software to verify the web page is working correctly.To do that most companies the issue credit cards have "dummy credit numbers" which can be used to test your software with out actually billing a credit for the test transaction. Here is a list of test credit card numbers which are used for that purpose. Oakland BART Police Officer gets a slap on the wrist for murderIn this article a police officer who worked for BART in Oakland gets a 2 years for murdering a Black man on a BART subway terminal. The pig will be out of prison in 6 months when he gets credit for good behavior.In this murder the unarmed Black man was pinned to the ground at a BART subway terminal and the BART police officer placed a gun to the mans head and murdered him. The Black community is accusing the cops of being racist killers. I disagree and think the the police are equal opportunity murders. I suspect the pigs would have killed a White, Mexican or Oriental guy just as easily. Of course the pigs are racist and routinely shake down people of color. But my point is a pig thinks he is God and will violate your rights regardless of the color of your skin. Last but not least the courts routine side with the pigs and give them a slap on the wrist when the murder us serfs so things are not getting better. You are guilty till proven innocentCops steal $200,000 because owners can't prove it wasn't stolenIn this article the Arizona Department of Public Safety stole $200,000 from some men they stopped because the men could not prove the money in their car was no acquired legally.The cops love the drug war because it gives them an excuse to literally steal millions of dollars of money from any body they stop because the people can't prove their money was acquired legally. Don't you love living in the American police state. Hiel Hitler. Phoenix gives $260,000 in corporate welfare to Air CanadaIn this article we find out that Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon and the gang of thieves on the Phoenix City Council have given Air Canada $260,000 in corporate welfare.Phoenix gives $900 million in corporate welfare at Patriots SquareIn this article Mayor Phil Gordon and his gang of thieves on the Phoenix City Council stole $900 million from us and gave it out as corporate welfare to the folks at Hotel Palomar, Kimpton Hotels and RED Development Corporation!Don't you love it when the government steals your money and gives it to multimillionaires who need it more then you need it? Deer Valley Rock Art MuseumI went out to the Deer Valley Rock Art Museum which is on 35th Avenue and Deer Valley Road. We heard some guy talk about the history of the earth from when it was formed 4.5 billion years ago to the current state.It was a pretty interesting talk. The guy said that in the past "global warming existed" (my words, not his.). He said at one time the world didn't have any ice caps or snow covered poles, which to me says it was an earth which would be just like earth with global warming. He expanded that to say the temperature of the earth has flipped a number of times from cold to hot and back. He side stepped a question from the audience that asked if "global warming" has been here before and was coming back again. He probably didn't want to offend anyone in the audience who believed in the global warming myth. Or perhaps not the myth about global warming, but the myth that global warming will kill everybody on the planet unless we stop it. If you ask me the dangers of global warming are mostly BS. And I think his talk proved it. On person asked him about how he addresses of problem of when Christians say the world is 6000 years old compared to when scientists like him have facts or evidence that says the world is 4.5 billion years old. It side stepped the question probably not wanting to offend any of the Christians in the audience who believed the silly Christian myth that the earth is only 6000, 5000 or 4000 years old. While the guys talk was the most interesting part of our visit we also went out and took a walk on the trail at the museum which was maybe a forth of a mile long and pointed out a bunch of rock carvings on the land. Most of the carvings were in black rocks which I think are basaltic and come from volcano or if not volcano but from natural lava flows. The park is on the south side of a huge dam along Skunk Creek. War Criminal Karl Rove to speak in Phoenix Nov 9According to these articles American war criminal Karl Rove is coming to Phoenix to speak this Tuesday.Some people like to think that George W. Bush was so stupid that Karl Rove was the brains behind George W. Bush's war crimes. Maybe, maybe not. If you ask me they are both war criminals and government tyrants. Worst person in the world?Politics as usual. From my view point the MSNBC network isn't any worse then the FOX network. MSNBC News slants there news so the only good thing on the planet is a Democrat, while FOX News does the same biased reporting to make the Republican view the only good thing on the planet.Both networks are run by jerks.
![]() Drug war causes Mexico to limit tourists to $1,500/moFelipe Calderon are sure using the drug war to screw up Mexico. How Felipe "Nixon" Calderon is limiting tourists to spending $1,500 per month to fight the silly drug war.Hmmm... Are there still any American tourists left in Mexico? With war on drugs causing 30,000 people to be killed in Mexico, Mexico is as dangerous to live as Iraq or Afghanistan. Read more here about how the stupid drug war is limiting gringo to spending $1,500 a month in Mexico! Feds busy hunting down people that look at dirty picturesIn this article the idiots in the Federal government are wasting megabucks hunting down people that look at dirty pictures. Jesus don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down like bank robbers, rapists and murders?I suspect they do, but it is easier to hunt down people that commit victimless crimes like looking at dirty pictures then hunting down real criminals. Cocaine bases wine used to be really popularBack before drugs were made illegal with the passage of the "Harrison Narcotics Tax Act of 1914" all drugs were legal. And for that matter recreational drug use was accepted by society just like recreational liquor use is accepted today. This article is about some cocaine based drinks that used to be legal.Eat that pizza crust and don't use bad English!View the jerks previous attack on me.Yesterday I got yelled at for the crime of "gasp" not eating my pizza crust at the great pumpkin tossing catapult event. I wonder why the jerk didn't also yell at the folks who were putting on the event for the crime of "wasting pumpkin food" for tossing those pumpkins into the air with their catapults. The jerk even made me carry the food home. The next day the jerk yelled at me for using "bad English". I guess saying "ate" instead of "eaten" is a Federal crime in the jerks eyes. The jerk yelled at me for using bad English. It's eaten, not ate. More on the jerk. Nevada loses people?This article says that the state of Nevada actually lost people. That is unusual because recently Nevada has been the fastest growing state in the nation.Obama set to murder people in Yemen with dronesAin't the American Empire great? I bet we are just as hated by the world as the British Empire was. Same for the Roman Empire. Now it sounds like Emperor Obama is going to use drones to kill people that p*sses off the American Empire in Yemen according to this article.And most of my fellow dumb *ss Americans wonder why the world hates American. All you have to do is open a newspaper and start reading articles about how the American Empire invades and kills across the planet. Nov 9 - It's getting damn cold out there!Yes winter arrived last month in October when it stopped hitting 100°F and now it is really getting cold.It was freezing cold this morning. I think the high is only going to be in the 70°F's today. I am going to have to start wearing a coat in the morning if it gets any colder. Nov 10 - It's freezing cold!Yesterday I froze to death without a coat. Today I wore a coat and I still froze to death. Man it's cold!Source Phoenix Rulers Pretend to Cut SpendingIn this article the members of the Phoenix City Council pretend that they are saving tax dollars by cutting unfilled jobs. The truth is these fake job cuts won't save the taxpayers one red cent!Feds lie and say marijuana is as dangerous as tobaccoIn this article the drug warrior liars in the White House say pot is as dangerous as tobacco!Marijuana is a harmless drug. The only problem with legalizing pot is that it is a jobs program for tens of thousands of over paid cops. Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't care if you smoke potIf Arnold Schwarzenegger doesn't care if you smoke pot why is he against Prop 19. I guess Arnold Schwarzenegger will say anything to get re-elected. Read more in this article.US Printing Boat Loads of Worthless MoneyIn this article a number of foreign countries are complaining about the American government's policy of printing boat loads of worthless money to pay for the operation of the American government, instead of taxing the krap out of their serfs like they should be doing as specified in the Constitution.Framed for 30 years, then he diesIn this article a man who was framed by the cops in Mississippi and spend 30 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit died of cancer shortly after being released.This makes my blood boil! F*ck those government tyrants! Sneak missile attack on Los AngelesNo it wasn't a sneak nuclear missile attack on Los Angeles but it could have been. The government rulers love to pretend to protect us from our enemies but in reality they are pretty powerless to protect us from anything as this article shows.Just what the hell is an "unauthorized access device"I don't know what an "unauthorized access device" is but this guy got 2 and a half years in prison for having one according to this article.Cruise Ship breaks downIn this article a cruise ship with 4,000 people broke down near Catalina Island. Hey it's a slow news day and I didn't have any other articles to grab.George W. Hitler shovels the BS about his bookIn this article former American Emperor George W. Bush shovels the BS in his book.Andrew Thomas did it to screw his enemies!In this article Andrew Thomas was told there wasn't a shred of evidence to charge his enemies with a crime. But tyrant Andrew Thomas charged them anyway! I suspect Andrew Thomas did it to screw his enemies! I doubt government tyrant Andrew Thomas will ever be charged with abuse of power.Obama lied to us about ending the Afghanistan war in 2011In this article we find out Obama lied to us about ending the Afghanistan war in 2011. Emperor Obama says the new end date of the war is 2014. That is after Obama gets out of office in 2012. Hopefully Emperor Obama will be replaced by a President who reports to the people, not the military and the next President will end the war when entering office in 2012.Need a machine guns - You can buy one from a jar headIn this article we find out U.S. Marines are stealing machine guns and selling them to gang bangers.Royal government rulers pay themselves very well!The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more has doubled since President Barack Obama took office. The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has increased by a factor of 10 in the past five years.Man the tyrants in the Federal government pay themselves very well according to this article. It ain't perjury, it's testilying! Honest ask any cop!In this article a Federal police officer in Los Angeles lies and says a man attempted to murder him. According to the article the cop murdered the man and lied about it. Hey ain't nothing unusual about that. Cops lie all the time in courts. Cops commit perjury so much they even have a special slang word for it which is called "testilying"One third of the homes in Chicago are worth less then the mortgage on themIn this article we find out that one third of the homes with mortgages on them in the Chicago area are worth less then the mortgage on them! How many times do I have to tell you - "Government is the cause of the problem, not the solution"!IJ fights government tyrants in ColoradoIn this article the folks at the Institute for Justice are fighting government tyrants in Denver Colorado. Thank you IJ!Are they going to murder me?I had a scary dream that the people I live with were going to murder me and collect insurance on me. I dreamed that because I am a homeless person and don't have any friends that they figured no one would miss me if I got killed. So they took out an insurance policy on me and then killed me for the insurance. Pat and Dan killed me.I was pretty happy the next day when I woke up and discovered that I was alive. I put a note in my locker saying where I live and that if I turn up dead they should go to where I live and check to see if I have been murdered. That way if I do get killed it will be discovered and they will be caught. Christmas shopping season is hereMan the Christmas shopping season always started on the day after Thanksgiving in the past. I think they call it Black Friday, not because of some evil thing, but because it is the day of the year that all the stores go from the red to the black in an accounting sense and stop losing money which is noted with red ink and start making money which in accounting is noted with black ink.I went over to Bass Pro Shop today which is November 13 and they already have all their Christmas decoration up and they are even letting kids take free photos with Santa Claus. Since I am an atheist it is nice to see the Christmas shopping season lose the religious part of it. A welfare system for government workersIn the old days when you worked for the government the pay sucked. But that has changed now both at the Federal level and at the Arizona level government jobs pay very well. In fact on the adverage government jobs pay much better then jobs in the private sector at both the federal level and state level.In this 8 part series of articles the Arizona Republic shows that the Arizona retirement system pays former government employees very well when they retire. I am getting psychic here but it is my understand that cops or police officers can retire after working 10 years at 80 percent of their highest pay. And cops are paid very well as of 2010 police officers starting pay is around $50,000 a year in most Arizona cities. Wouldn't it be great if your private sector job allowed you to do that. Nov 12 - Freeze Warning!Just a couple of weeks ago it was 100°F+ weather. Yesterday I was suprised to see a freeze warning in the Tribune saying that there might be a hard freeze and you should cover your plants.I didn't think it was that cold, but that explains why I have been freezing my butt off lately. Politicians pretend they are going to cut spendingIn this article the elected officials in Washington D.C. pretend they are going to stop spending our money like drunken sailors.The article is lot's of talk but no action. They talk about cutting back on Social Security spending. But guess when the cuts kick in, in 2050 and 2075, which is 40 years from now for the first spending cut and then the second spending cut in in 75 years. Don't drink out of the toilet in ChandlerIn this article a sign posted in the restrooms of the City of Chandler's new city hall complex warns us serfs not to drink out of the toilets and urinals.Jesus those government nannies really think we are stupid. On the other hand my dog might drink out of the toilet bowl. But on the other hand last time I checked my dog could not read signs. Tempe cop sells nude photos on the internetIn this article Tempe cop Curtis G. Baumgarth sells nude photos of his girl friend on the internet.IRS to shut down tax preparers who don't maximize IRS revenueThis article doesn't come out and say it but I suspect this is an attempt by the IRS to shut down tax preparers who don't maximize the amount of taxes they collect for the IRS.Drug War sure messes up life in border townsThe "drug war" as been a dismal failure ever since it was invented way back in 1914 with the passage of the "Harrision narcotics tax act of 1914". The silly "drug war" laws have never stopped people from getting drugs and have just created a whole bunch of crime that would not exist if drugs were legal.In this article we see he stupid, illegal and unconstitutional "drug war" is destroying the lives of people in border towns along the US and Mexican border. Let's face it the only way to restore sanity to the American criminal injustice system is to legalize drugs again! Obama wants to cut spending while spending like a drunken sailor?Damn right! If you read this article Obama seems to want to cut spending while spending our money like a drunken sailor. The only thing good about politicians and elected officials is that you can always tell they are lying when their lips are moving.George W. Bush executed an innocent man?In this article it sure sounds like George W. Bush executed an innocent man. In his trial the prosecutor said the guy was guilty because a hair found at the crime scene matched his hair.One slight problem, after the guy was executed DNA testing proved the hair did not belong to the guy. Hey I bet George W. Bush doesn't care. After all George W. Bush gets his jollies by executing criminals. Cops make up nicknames to demonize suspected criminals?In this article it sure sounds like cops are making up nicknames to demonize people that they suspect are criminals. With a nickname that implies you are a bloodthirsty, evil criminal it sure is easier for the government to get a conviction from a jury. F*ck truth, justice and all that other rubbish the cops claim American government stands for life is all about getting convictions.363,000 state and local government employees in Arizona?According to this article as of 2010 there are about 363,000 state and local government employees in Arizona. I am not sure if that include all of the Arizona employees, but I suspect it gets most of them.While these 363,000 employees probably don't all vote together for a bigger police state like the police employees do, they certainly can effect the outcome of elections when they have an interest in the election financially. In the article it says the people of Arizona will have a tough time repealing the very generous pensions these folks get, mostly because there are 363,000 of these people who will vote against any attempt to take away their very generous pension plans. 20,000 active Arizona Police Officers?9,000 retired Arizona Police Officers?From this article it sounds like there are about 19,500 active cops and about 9,000 retired cops which work for Arizona cities, counties and the State of Arizona.When there are issues on the ballot that effect cops I suspect almost all the cops go out and vote. Not because they are patriotic, but because it means money in the cops wallets. A good example is the "drug war". The "drug war" is a jobs program for cops. And of course Arizona's Prop 203 which legalizes medical marijuana will slow down the police state in Arizona and I suspect almost all of these 30,000 active and retired cops went out and voted against Prop 203 simply because it will cause less cops to be needed. Medical Marijuana now legal in ArizonaArizona Prop 203 passes legalizing medical MarijuanaMan it took a long time for the ballots to be counted but after almost two weeks of counting Prop 203 passed by a measly 4,000 votes in Arizona. In this article we find out that Medical Marijuana is now legal in Arizona.Drug war doubles number of people in Mexico's prisonsIn this article we find out that Felipe Calderon's drug war has doubled the size of the number of people incarcerated in Mexican prisons.Many people think of Mexico as a police state but that is a myth. According to this article Mexico has a measly 11,000 people in it's prisons, with half of them being there for drug war crime. That doesn't even compare to the American police state. The USA has about 3 times the population of Mexico. The US population is a little over 300 million people while Mexico's population is about 100 million people. The USA has 1 million plus people in our prisons with about two thirds of them there for drug war crimes. Mexico has a measly 11,000 people in it's prisons with about half of them there for drug war crimes. Symington course in BS - a mear $15,000In this article for a measley $15,000 ex-Arizona governor Fife Symington will teach you how to shovel the BS! Yea sure Symington was railed by the Feds but that doesn't mean he can't shovel the BS and teach you how to get elected to something.Gov ruler rents 3 bedroom home for $236/mo in VeronIn this article we discover government rulers in the Los Angeles suburb of Veron are renting themselves million dollar homes for a measly $236 a month rental fee. Must be nice being a crooked politician.He lied about the hotel room - Will he lie in court and commit perjury?In this article a government prosecutor lies about his travel expenses. I bet he also commits perjury in the courtroom in an attempt to convict alleged criminals. Of course cops and government rulers have this odd way of viewing things that when they commit perjury it ain't really perjury if it helps the government railroad a person the think is a criminal.Chicago Cubs sucker Mesa, Arizona and Chicago for millions in corporate welfareIn this article we discover that the Chicago Cubs are experts in sucking the government corporate welfare tit! The Chicago Cubs are trying to sucker the Chicago taxpayers out of $300 million in corporate welfare. The Chicago Cubs recently suckered the taxpayers in the city of Mesa, Arizona for $99 million in corporate welfare!Tempe photo radar IS all about REVENUE!In this article the city of Tempe and the photo radar bandits at Redflex argue about who gets the loot that Redflex and the City of Tempe steal using those evil photo radar bandits!Local cops trained to spy on AmericansIn this article we find out local cops are trained to spy on local folks pretending they are searching for terrorists. Terrorists my ass! Almost all of the arrests made from the unconstitutional "Patriot Act" are local petty criminals who have absolutely nothing to do with terrorism. The "Patriot Act" is just a lame excuse for the government to flush the Constitution down the toilet and jerk around Americans who are suspected criminals.A welfare program for millionaire doctors?In this article doctors demand that the government pay then their high fees when patients can't afford their medical treatment.Of course if this wasn't a government welfare program the free market would force these overpriced doctors to lower their fees if they wanted the business. Graffiti from the Afghanistan warWhen I first saw this graffiti I thought it was graffiti created by the Taliban or locals in Afghanistan who are angry with the invading American Empire. But on a second thought I think the graffiti may have been create by the American troops who are invading Afghanistan.Either way I am against the American Empires illegal and unconstitutional invasion of both Iraq and Afghanistan! Some piggies get a slap on the wrist for their Facebook pagesIn this article some wanna be piggies are getting their hand slapped for their FaceBook and other web pages. Don't get your hopes up, it won't stop the police from being corrupt! On the other hand it does give a bunch of cops in the "Internal Affairs" department a job pretending to weed out corrupt cops.Exorcism is NOT magic or superstition! Honest!!!!Wow exorcism is NOT magic or superstition! At least that's what this article about exorcism training classes the Catholic Church is putting on says.Frogs that eat rats? Si!OK even if this article isn't about government tyrants I thought I would post it. In the article we see some large frogs that like to eat rats! The article even has a cool photo of a frog eating a rat. Hey don't blame me if the photo was created with PhotoShop! I thought it was a cool photo.Mixing government and religion in the Tempe Police DepartmentOn this web page it is obvious that the Tempe Police don't give a rats ass about that Arizona or Federal Constitutions which forbid mixing government and religion!Diane Sawyer is a really naive reporter who blindly believes the governmentI have always thought that reporter Diane Sawyer was a really nice lady and reporter. But in this article she sounds like a really naive reporter who blindly believes whatever the government says.Janet Napolitano wants us to fly naked, handcuffed and drugged?Well Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano didn't exactly come out and say she wants us to fly naked, handcuffed and drugged? But if you get here drift from this article that is certainly how she feels.U.S. Post Office losing billion and wants us to payIn this article the US Post Office has lost $8.5 billion!While the US Post Office pretends to be a private business it isn't. And in this case they want us taxpayers to bail them out of their jam. F*ck em! Let the jerks go bankrupt! But that won't happen. Our Congressmen and Senators will almost certainly steal the money from us and give it to these parasites in the Post Office. Day Dreaming?This article is about how people day dream at work. Back in the old days when I was working at min wage jobs doing manual labor I did nothing but day dream at work! But since I got my degree in computer science and have been working as a software engineer I have not day dreamed at work at all.Flopping Homes?Buying Short Sale Homes and Flipping them! That is what this article is all about!Messy Yard cops terrorize people that sell used cars!In this article it sounds like the tyrants that rule the city of Phoenix want to pass a bunch of silly messy yard laws that prevent people from selling cars from their homes.Why didn't Tempe Messy Yard cops seize this home!I am kind of surprised that the Tempe Messy Yard cops never seized this home. The home is over near First Street and the railroad track just south of Tempe Town Toilet near the downtown area.The article says that the tyrants in the Arizona government want to seize the home after 118 years. A warrant check before you go on a cruise?Going on a cruise? Before you go the government tyrants in Homeland Security will run your name thru their computers to see if you have any warrants out for your arrest. In this article a woman taking a cruise was arrested by the Homeland Security thugs for that reason!Constitutional rights! You ain't got no constitutional right! Ask any cop and you will find out that. Government regulation of medical care drives costs up!!!!!You have surely hear the term of how expensive "free" medical care is. When ever the government sticks it's nose into things and regulates them it always drives up costs. Read this article to see how the government is driving up medical costs while pretending to lower them.Just because a government program is popular doesn't mean it is rightIf the government nannies created a program to give out $100 dollar bills on street corners it would be a very popular program. Of course just because the program was "popular" doesn't mean it would be a good use of government funds.In this article the folks that run the light rail system are bragging that because people use the light rail services the program is a success and should be continued. What the government nannies don't say in the article is that they charge people only a few cents of the actual costs and of course people are going to use these almost free services provided by the government. Ford wants you to pay extra to make the engine work at full powerIn this article the folks at Ford are installing a powerful 444 horse engine in their Ford Mustang. The bad news is they expect you to pay extra if you want the engine to work at full power.NYPD scans eyeballs of people arrestedWhen fingerprinting was invented the lawyers who are freedom fighters for the Constitution argued that fingerprinting was a violation of the Fifth Amendment because it forces you to testify against yourself in court. Or that by forcing you to provide your fingerprints to the government so the government could use them against you in a criminal trial was a violation of your 5th Amendment right.Of course the America Police State won that battle and the Constitution was flushed down the toilet again. In this article the New York Police Department is now scanning people's eyeballs and using the data against them in court. Fountain Hills Mayor wants to legalize marijuana?You are damn right! Jon Beydler former mayor of Fountain Hills wants to legalize marijuana. In this article Jon Beydler says now that medical marijuana is legal in Arizona the next step is full legalization of marijuana! The hand writing is on the wall, the war on drugs will be over in a number of years. Or at least the insane, illegal and unconstitutional war on marijuana will be over in my life time! F*ck the police state! F*ck David Dorn!Does the Equal Protection Clause give everybody the right to smoke pot?Hmmm ... I was just wondering. The Equal Protection Clause of the Arizona Clause says that you can't give right to one class of people and not give those rights to everybody.Now Arizona's just passed Prop 203 which legalizes medical marijuana gives the right to smoke marijuana to very sick people but it doesn't give that same right to anybody else! I wonder if a smart lawyer could use the Equal Protection Clause of the Arizona Constitution to let everybody smoke marijuana? Read more about my ramblings here. Get lost David Dorn! You don't beleive in equal rights for anybody! Mission Accomplished - George W. Bush says Iraq War won!In this article George W. Bush tells us the Iraq war is over! "Mission Accomplished" as our President says.Hey I guess if George W. Hitler can lie about the White House not creating this fancy "Mission Accomplished" sign he can also lie about the Iraq war being won! F*ck you George W. Bush! You are a tyrant!
![]() Who is SoHumBorn and why is she writing about Humboldt CountyOK SoHumBorn is the name of a woman who was born and raised in Humboldt County and writes about the pot industry in Humboldt County according to this article in the LA Times.The Jerk Thinks he is a cop!Back to previous blog on the jerk.A couple days ago I mentioned I went to a Who Concert at Sun Devil Stadium. The jerk wanted to know the date of the concert. I told the jerk I didn't know. The jerk got upset and make out like it was my God given duty to answer all his questions down to the smallest details. What's the jerks problem? If I say I don't know something what's his problem? If I don't know who cares? Why should the jerk care? If I do know and don't want to tell the jerk then why doesn't the jerk figure out it's none of his stinking business. The jerk still thinks he is my master. We were out in the backyard and the jerk ordered me to pick up a ball that the dogs had been playing with. Why doesn't the jerk pick up the ball himself! Since when did the jerk become my mother! A couple of days later the jerk was treating Dan like he was his mother. Dan did a good job and came back and asked the jerk if he thought he was his mother. Of course I am too polite to do that. At the debate the jerk yelled at a woman that was sitting in front us for using her cell phone to send text messages. Jesus Christ! Does the jerk think he is master of the universe? More on the jerk! Cops treat homeless people like criminals!Tempe homeless man returns $3,300 in cash to ASU studentCops love to shake down homeless people and treat us like criminals. I suspect that is because we are easy to shake down because we live on the streets.But homeless people are not any more criminals then the rest of the population. In this article a homeless man found a backpack with $3,000 in it and returned it to the owner. A new Arizona State Flag after Prop 203Steve Benson thinks Arizona should have a new state flag after Prop 203 passed. Prop 203 is the voter initative that legalized medical marijuana in Arizona.Check out Benson's new state flag in this url.
![]() Atheist, Christian Debate at Grand Canyon College![]() Atheist Michael Shermer stuck to the issues and showed that while religion has done lots of good things for mankind religion also has done a lot of very evil bad things which make civilization a lot worse. Christian Dinesh D'Souza wanted to have it both ways. In the cases where religion has done a lot of evil bad things Dinesh D'Souza wanted to blame man for those things. And where religion has done good things he wanted to give God and the Christian religion for those things. Christian Dinesh D'Souza also decided that it was easier prove his case by name calling instead of sticking to the facts and did that. The worst case was when it gave an example of a rodeo he attended in Arizona and used that to say that atheist Michael Shermer was full of BS. Like all of the other debates of this type I have attended both sides went away claiming victory. The atheists as always showed that there are no facts or evidence proving that any of this supernatural nonsense exists. Of course while you can't prove God doesn't exist it does show the existence of God is highly unlikely. Based on that I would say the atheists won the debate. The Christians as they always do seemed thing they won too. While Christian Dinesh D'Souza didn't give any evidence that supported the existence of God or that religion didn't harm society he said you just have to "believe" this stuff on faith and faith alone. Christian Dinesh D'Souza said that the religious wars between groups such as the Israelis and Arabs in Palestine and between the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland are not really wars about religion but wars about land and property. To some degree I agree with him, but I think much of the wars are about religion with the theme being my God is the only true real God and we are going to force you to worship my God because that is the only right thing to do. Christian Dinesh D'Souza also tried to say that communism is also a religion which kills people. I find that argument 100 percent BS. Atheist Michael Shermer pointed out that communism is NOT a religious believe system that views in supernatural deities, but a political system which believes in a socialist, communistic type of government. While that isn't evidence enough to prove their point or even say their point might be true the Christians seemed to think they won because after all you have to have "faith" to believe in this stuff and they have the "faith" so they thought they won. I was surprised because I saw Libertarian Michael K there. Nor Michael Kaery but the Michael K in Mesa. I thought he was with the Christians. But after the debate we talked to him and I was surprised to find out that he is an atheist too, like me. How do you get away with murder? Become a police officer!According to this article the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association is doing everything it can to help Phoenix Police Officer Richard Chrisman beat the murder rap!The Phoenix Law Enforcement Association is the powerful union that represents Phoenix Police Department officers. Police Officer Richard Chrisman is the guy who put a gun to the head of Daniel Rodriguez head and said "I don't need no warrant, motherfucker" and then shot and killed Daniel Rodriguez. Sure cops routinely flush the Constitution down the toilet and violated the civil rights of anybody they suspect is a criminal, but most cops don't murder people like Police Officer Richard Chrisman did. Ibogaine prevents withdrawal symptoms from heroin?According to this article ibogaine is a drug that prevents you from having withdrawal symptoms from heroin? Sounds too good to be true! But is it? I don't know I just thought the article was interesting and reposted it here.Pigs with LAPD busting Hollywood Superheros![]() 25 Phoenix cops steal money for work not doneIn this article 25 Phoenix police officers are accused of billing the city of Phoenix for work not performed. The cops received $40 or more an hour for the worked they pretended to do.There is also a good chance that Phoenix police officer Sgt. Sean Drenth committed suicide because he was caught in this scheme to steal money from the city of Phoenix by collecting money for hours not worked. Sgt. Sean Drenth was found dead of a gun shot wound near the Arizona State Capital in west Phoenix. The Phoenix Police say it might have been a murder. But from the very beginning it looked like the Phoenix Police were covering up his suicide so that it wouldn't make Sgt. Sean Drenth or the Phoenix Police Department look bad. U.S. OKs 1st use of tanks in AfghanistanAin't a dimes difference between war monger Obama and war monger George W. Bush! In this article the American Empire will begin using tanks to terrorize the people of Afghanistan in that illegal unconstitutional war. Hiel Hitler, Hiel Bush, Hiel Obama!ASU President Michael Crow plans to spend your money like a drunken sailor for the next 19 yearsIn this article ASU President Michale Crow and Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman plan to spend your money like a bunch of drunken sailors for the next 10 years.Get our your wallet, and bend over Michael Crow and Hugh Hallman want to screw you! Mesa flush constitution down the toilet for hotel guestMesa required hotel guest to submit to police questioning before checking inIn this article the city of Mesa Arizona is flushing down the toilet the Constitutional rights of hotel guests that visit mesa hotels.According to the article the owners of hotels are required to act as agents of the police and get a government issued photo id from all hotel guests to the Mesa Police can run that person name thru their computers checking for arrest warrants and other such stuff. Congress to clean itself up this year - Honest!Honest both the Congress and Senate are going to clean them self's up this year and throw out all the crooks and stop all the pork! Honest! That is what this article says! A Congressman said it so it must be true!OK I am sorry to say that! I don't take you for a fool! Even a 15 year old high school kid is smart enough to know that both the Congress and Senate are full of crooks and they will never clean up their act. Obama is the "Green" President - Honest!American Emperor Obama has sold out just about everybody that he promised to help if he was elected. Obama sold the gay folks out. Obama sold the marijuana smokers out who want to legalize pot. Obama sold the anti-war folks out. And in this article Obama sold the Green party folks out.Let's face it Obama is a lying hypocrite who will say anything to get elected. And that jerk David Dorn will probably lie and try to say that this posts means I am a Green Party member. F*ck You David Dorn! I am a Libertarian! Unlike you I don't iniate force agaist people and spread like around them. Of you probably don't know or care NIFF is because your too busy telling people how wonderful you are because your a member of the Country Club militia! But even if I am a Libertarian I have the right to say Obama is a liar who will sell anybody out which include the Green Party members who helped elect Emperor Obama. Cops find a new source of revenue - Medical DUI!Medical DUI is almost impossible to stop, but if you give cops a bunch of special training according to this article the police can increase the revenue they get from DUI busts by 10 to 25 percent. Remember it ain't about safety, it's all about raising revenue.Police State Tyrant Russell Pearce gets a $47,957 PensionIn this article we find out that police state thug Russell Pearce gets a $47,957 Pension.Hey David Dorn! How much money does your Dorn Agency make every year selling insuranse to Arizona State Employees? I was down at the capital one day almost 10 years ago and saw your "Dorn Agency" with a booth set up to sell the Arizona government employees insurance. I would have come by and said hi, but I try to avoid you because I might get angry and try to harm you. I thought you claimed to be a Libertarian? How can you claim to be a Libertarian when your business makes a bunch of loot selling insurance policies to government employees like Russell Pierce? I bet you will come back and say "Do as I say, not as I do". OK, it's been 10 years and you probably think I have mellowed out. But I have not. I am at least a thousand times more angry now then I was then. You have destroyed my life with your lies! Remember David Dorn, YOU initiated force against me! Remember David Dorn YOU broke the NIFF policy. I have every right to ... TSA - F*ck the 4th Amendment!![]()
TSA search soaks man in urineIn this a article the TSA thugs searched a cancer patient and popped open a medical bag used to collect urine from the man, soaking the man in his own piss! Ain't you glad the TSA is protecting you from something?Homosexual TSA thugs use searches to get dates?Well we don't have any news article saying that gay thugs who work for the TSA are using searches to get dates, but this editorial cartoonist is implying that.
![]() Icy blast of winter finally here!Monday, November 22, 2010 the icy blast of winter has finally arrived. I had to wear my coat the whole day because it was so cold outside. I sure will be happy when summer comes back in April and we get some nice 100°F+ warm weather.Source Fascism is alive and well in Downtown TempeMill Avenue Merchants line up for corporate welfare in TempeAccording to this article bot Fascism and corporate welfare is alive and well in Downtown Tempe. Raise your hand high like your give Hitler a salute and say:Hiel Hitler! Maybe I will join the Topless PartyThe Topless Party sounds a lot more fun then the Libertarian PartyMaybe I will join the Topless Party. From this article it sounds a lot more fun then the Libertarian Party. And thank God I won't have to put up with creeps like David Dorn spreading lies around.You must file a claim to sue an Arizona government entityBefore filing a lawsuit against any government entity that is part of the State of Arizona you must first file a claim against the government agency.Will our government rulers give us a bunch of mumbo jumbo double talk for the reasons of why we have to file a claim before suing a government agency the real reason is that the requirement frequently prevents people from suing the government. In this article the lawyers for Sheriff Joe, who is suing Maricopa County say that if Sheriff Joe had to file a claim it would interfere with his right to sue the county. What Sheriff Joe's lawyers didn't say is that this requirement that normal citizens file this claim does interfere with their right to sue any government agency that is part of the state of Arizona. Sheriff Joe gets special treatment for his lawsuit against Maricopa County!In this article the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors voted to give Sheriff Joe special treatment and allow him to by pass filing the normal claim that the rest of us serfs have to file when suing Maricopa County agencies.Will our government rulers give us a bunch of mumbo jumbo double talk for the reasons of why we have to file a claim before suing a government agency the real reason is that the requirement frequently prevents us serfs from suing our government masters. Color Coded Terrorist Alerts to end?According to this article the idiots in the Federal Government may stop wasting our tax dollars with those silly color coded terrorist alerts.Damn what will I do now? I usually hide under my bed when the terrorist alert hits pink! On that other hand I could be confusing that with the Mormon Church's silly "Gay Alerts". Phoenix Police covering up suicide of Sgt Sean Drenth?From the moment I read about the death of Phoenix cop Sgt Sean Drenth I thought it was suicide. Mainly because when a cop is murdered there is a massive manhunt by the cops to find the killer, even if there is only tiny bits of evidence on who the killer is.In the death of Sgt Sean Drenth the Phoenix PD didn't have a manhunt and the cops released almost no information about his death, which is what made me suspect it was a suicide. This article about the death of Sgt Sean Drenth seems to confirm that from day one the Phoenix PD suspected it was a suicide and is probably covering up the suicide because they want Sgt Sean Drenth to look like a hero who was murdered. And of course the cops in the Phoenix PD don't want the public to think that Sgt Sean Drenth was a deranged nut job who killed himself. That would give the cops who like to protray thenselfs as heroes who can walk on water a publicity problem. Last but not least we now have a motive for the suicide of Sgt Sean Drenth. A number of cops from the South Mountain district are under investigation for stealing thousands of dollars in overtime by claiming to have worked hours they didn't work. Sgt Sean Drenth was one of them. That fact wasn't public knowledge till a couple of weeks after Sgt Sean Drenth murder or more likely suicide. Hace Mucho Frio!!! No me gusta el frio!!!Source Nov 26 and 27 - Froze my butt off!On Friday Nov 26 the day after Turkey day I wen to a protest at the Mormon Tempe in Mesa. The protest was about the Mormon church's discrimination against gays. Event though I am an atheist I attended because I think gay folks should have the same rights as straight folks.Man it was cold. I was barefoot as I always am and my little toes froze. The next morning which is today I got up at about 7 am and left and again my little toes froze off almost. Man it is cold! I hate cold weather and won't be happy till summer comes back in April and we get some nice 100°F+ weather! Dec 2 - Learn about fake pot in TempeAccording to this article you can learn about fake pot, synthetic cannabis, or the drug Spice at a workshop from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 2, at Evans-Compadre Academy multipurpose room, 4525 S. College Ave., Tempe.Since it is put on by the government I suspect they will be demonizing fake pot with lots of lies! But who knows, it may be fun to attend. Does Medical Marijuana Prop 203 violate equal protection clause?I am all for legalizing ALL drugs, not just marijuana. But I have a question and suspect that Prop 203 which is the law which made medical marijuana legal in Arizona violates the equal protection clause of the Arizona Constitution.A simple fix of Prop 203 will be to allow anyone in the state of Arizona to use medical marijuana, not just sick people. To find our more about this check out this url. Real estate loans? The government is the cause of the problem, not the solution!With the housing market crashing and home values dropping like a rock people seem to want help from the government, when in reality the government is the cause of the problem.Read more about it here. Arizona steal home from Tempe familyIn this article the state of Arizona steals a home from a Tempe family. F*ck those government tyrants!Arizona Pensions are a gold mine for royal government workersIn this series of articles we find out that the government rulers have passed a series of laws which allow government rulers and employees to retire in luxury, which is paid for by us serfs!Australian man sues Mexico for 4-month detentionThis is unusual. Usually Mexicans are suing American Border Patrol thugs for violating their rights. In this article an Australian man is suing the Mexican Border Patrol thugs for violating his rights. Again that is the Mexican Border Patrol thugs, not the American Border Patrol thugs.Russian Arms Dealer Kidnapped by USA?In this article the American Empire gets Thailand to extradite a Russian arms dealer to the USA.This is insane because the American Empire is the biggest arms dealer on the planet and now the American Empire is jailing people for the same things that Obama and Hillery Clinton do on a daily basis! I guess it is the old government double standard, "Do as we say, not as we do". Scientists create anti-matter?In this article scientists claim to have created anti-matter. I always thought that was impossible per the laws of physics. But I guess I am wrong.Obama lied about closing Guantanamo Bay POW camp!According to this article it looks like Emperor Obama lied to us about his plans to close the Guantanamo Bay POW camp! Sadly there isn't a dimes difference between Emperor Obama and former Emperor George W. Bush. Sadly there isn't a dimes difference between Obama and John McCain. Obama is running the President's office just like John McCain would have run it.Phoenix cops cheat city out of thousands of dollars in wagesIn this article we find out that Phoenix Police Officers are cheating the city of Phoenix out of thousands of dollars in unearned overtime pay. Aren't those jerks the ones who argue loudest that it is impossible for cops to commit crimes?Mesa tyrants flush 5th Amendment down the toiletIn this article the tyrants that rule the city of Mesa, Arizona have passed a law which makes the 5th Amendment null and void. In the law hotels and motels are forced to act as agents of the police and collect data from anybody that rents a hotel room so the police can run that person thru their computers and see if they have any outstanding warrants out for their arrest.Sounds just like what Hitler did when he turned Germany into a Nazi police state! We are going to clean up Congress this year - Honest!Yea sure! As long as the crooks that run the US Congress and Senate can get away with stealing our money they will NEVER clean up Congress. I suspect the only way for the U.S. Congress and Senate to be cleaned up will be by an armed revolution. But according to this article the crooks that run the Congress and Senate plan on cleaning it up next year. Don't hold your breath waiting!Obama is the "Green" President? Not!!!!!When Obama talks remember it's "Do as I say, not as I do!"Obama like most other politicians and government rulers is a hypocrite and expects US to do as he SAYS, not as he does. All that green talk that he spews out is to get him reelected and for us to do, not him. In this article Obama who pretends to be the "Green President" drives a huge limo to a "Green Summit" in Europe! TSA admits searching pilots is a waste of timeIn this article the morons that run the TSA have finally admitted that searching airline pilots is a waste of time. How long will it take for the morons at the TSA to admit searching passengers is also a waste of time and more importantly a violation of the 2nd, 4th and 5th Amendments to the Bill of Rights.Maybe Kyrsten Sinema can use her time to help Arizona?In this article we hear more about Kyrsten Sinema who is probably the worst gun grabbing, tax and spend government thief in the state of Arizona.Mesa cops figure out how to rob sick peopleIn this article the Mesa police have figured out how to use the DUI laws to rob sick people for the alleged crime of DUI.If a person is drunk and driving so dangerously that they are causing accidents I guess I can see why the cops want to arrest them form DUI and stop the carnage. On the other hand when a person is driving perfectly normally and you need a specially trained cop to detect that they might have prescriptions drugs in their system it ain't DUI, it is armed robbery by the government. And that is what the Mesa Police department is doing. They are pulling over people who are driving normally and then running them under a microscope to determine if they MIGHT have any drugs in their body that MIGHT impair their driving and then shaking them down for a $2,000 DUI fine. Arizona - jail them for life and throw away the keyOver the years Arizona has turned into a police state with draconian punishments for trivial crimes. According to this article the tyrants in the Arizona government don't want to change that!LifeLock Inc gets a slap on the wrist for screwing people out of millions!You think government is going to protect you from criminals? Think again! In this article LifeLock Inc gets a slap on the wrist for screwing people out of millions!U.S. Government screws Blacks and IndiansFor as long as White folks have been in American we have been screwing the American Indians. And ever since we dragged Black folks to American from Africa as slaves we have been screwing them. In this article we see that things are not going to change anytime soon!The TSA is the PROBLEM, not the solution to the problem!In this article we see that the TSA is the problem, not the solution to the problem. The TSA and Homeland Security Departments are just jobs programs for government thugs who terrorize honest law abiding American citizens.Phoenix Police Officer James Wren likes to steal money from drug dealers!In this article we find out that Phoenix police officer James Wren is a criminal who gets his jollies by robbing drug dealers. If you ask me David Dorn is a lot like Phoenix Cop James Wren! I found out that David Dorn gets his jollies from spreading lies around about people he considers infeaorior to himself.Security protest could disrupt Thanksgiving travelThis article says that a security protest could disrupt Thanksgiving travel. What rubbish. The thing that is distrupting travel thru out American is the TSA criminals who have flushed the 4th Amendment down the toilet and routinely illegally search Americans.TSA - F*ck the 4th Amendment!Here are a few cartoons about the TSA criminals who claim to be protecting us!TSA search soaks man in urineThe TSA thugs claim to protect us, but that is rubbish! In this article the TSA thugs searched a cancer victim and left him soaked in his own urine! F*ck those TSA tyrants!The Topless Party? Sounds like Fun?The Topless Party written about in this article sounds like a lot of fun. If I ever dump the Libertarian party I will consider the Topless Party.Supervisors don't require Sheriff Joe to file a claimIn Arizona the government tyrants passed a law which requires anybody that sues an Arizona government entity to file a "claim" against the government entity before filing the lawsuit.This law while it claims to be all about good government is used by the state of Arizona, it's counties, cities and other government entities to keep from being sued by people they screw over. If you don't file the claim with in a period of something like 90 or 180 days the courts will say you don't have the right to sue the government. In this article the tyrants that run Maricopa County are allowing Sheriff Joe to sue them with out filing this "bogus" claim like normal people have to. Which means government rulers treat themselves as being above the law. Color-coded terror alerts may endAccording to this article the governments silly color coded terrorist alert system may soon end.If that happens I won't know how to run my life! When ever the color coded system hits "terrorist pink" I go hide under my bed. You never know! When the government color coded terrorist alert system is at "terrorist pink" you never know when a terrorist could show up in your living room and hijack your coffee table to Washington D.C. and demand a talk with Emperor Obama. Did Phoenix Police Officer Sgt.Sean Drenth commit suicideIn this article it sure sounds like Phoenix Police Officer Sgt.Sean Drenth committed suicide. The Phoenix Police are doing everything they can to convince the public that the death of Phoenix Police Officer Sgt.Sean Drenth was a murder but in reality it looks like Phoenix Police Officer Sgt.Sean Drenth committed suicide and the cops want to cover it up because 1) a suicide will make the police look bad and 2) a suicide will keep his wife from collecting his life insurance.WikiLeaks makes American Rulers look like tyrantsHere are a few articles on WikiLeaks. The folks have releases hundreds of thousands of classified American documents which makes the American governrment look like the criminals they are.David Nolan dies in TucsonI always have wanted to meet David Nolen since I found out he moved to Tucson. But I guess that won't happen now.I also wonder if David Nolan had heard David Dorns lies that I am a government snitch. I would have like to defend myself against that jerk David Dorns lies! Here are a few articles on David Nolan's death in Tucson. White Pages to disappear?In this article they say the White Pages are going the way of slide rulers and milkmen because people now use the internet to look up phone numbers.San Diego Drug TunnelAs long as the American government carrys on it's illegal and unconstitutional drug war smugglers will find ways to get drugs into the USA.A perfect example is this San Diego drug tunnel. Cops to demonize SpiceThe Tempe Union High School District is having a class where the drug spice will be demonized by the cops.Of course if the harmless drug marijuana wasn't illegal kids would not be using the drug spice. Once again government is the cause of the problem, not the solution. Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman believes in taxation with out representationIn this article Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman sounds like a big fan of taxation without representation.Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman wants the state of Arizona to give the city of Tempe boat loads of money. That means the tyrants on the Tempe City Council won't have to tax the krap out of their citizens so they can spend our money like drunken sailors. I can't say what the founding fathers would do if they were alive and living in Tempe Arizona, but I suspect that George Washing and Thomas Jefferson would string Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman and the rest of the Tempe city council up from street poles for their belief in taxation without representation. Clean Elections PorkThe "Clean Election money" is nothing but a government welfare program for government rulers who run for public office.This article points out that they spend their clean elections money like drunken sailors, just like they spend the money they steal from us which they call taxes. Government tyrants try to flush medical marijuana down the toiletIn Arizona the people have spoken and told the government tyrants that we want to legalize marijuana for medical uses.Of course the government tyrants that passed those draconian drug laws are doing everything they can to prevent medical marijuana from becoming a reality. In this article the government tyrants are saying that people who want to start businesses which sell medical marijuana are not allowed to have legal help. Phoenix City Council members pretend to cut fat and wasteIn this article the members of the Phoenix City Council are pretending to cut government fat and waste. Yea sure!They have not fire one single government bureaucrat that works for the city of Phoenix but are pretending that by not hiring any new workers this will some how save the city of Phoenix money. What rubbish! Colorado bureaucrats pretend to care about better marijuanaIn this article the government bureaucrats pretend that they are trying to bring us better marijuana thru more government regulations. What rubbish!Sheriff Joe's goons get their jollies beating inmatesIn this article some of Sheriff Joe's goons are caught on video beating up inmates.
![]() American foreign policy causes most of our problems!This article is about how the Al-Qaida is producing the 'Vanity Fair' of terrorist magazines.Of course the real problem is not Al-Qaida, Muslims, or Arabs, the real problem is the American foreign policy in the Middle East. If the American government would stop supplying Israel with arms and money which it uses to terrorize the Arab population in the Middle East we would not have any problem with the Arabs. Visit Quartzsite ArizonaEvery year in the winter when the snowbirds flock to Arizona from those cold northern states and Canada Quartzsite becomes the 3rd largest metro area in the state of Arizona.Those old farts from the Northeast and Canada flock to the Arizona desert along the Colorado River and they think it is warm even though it is freezing cold by Arizona standards. One of these days I am going to have to visit Quartzsite, Arizona and check out this giant city of snowbirds. Chandler Police Department sells marijuana?The Chandler Police Department has become a major dealer of marijuana in the state of Arizona according to this article.Of course the Chandler PD in this case is acting like a bunch of mafia thugs, and not a law abiding police department that wants to protect it's citizens against criminals. The Chandler cops are now selling marijuana because they can raise large amounts of revenue doing it. Of course if a private business behaved like this they would be shut down instantly by the government and placed in jail for fraud. But the Chandler Police Department continues ripping of the citizens of Arizona for literally hundreds of thousands of dollars. What the Chandler cops do is offer to sell people a few hundred pounds of marijuana for a few hundred thousand dollars. After the Chandler PD sells their victims the marijuana and have their cash they steal the marijuana back and keep the cash and the marijuana. Homeland Security All Nude Revue!!!!!In this TSA production you are the star!!!!!![]() Janet Napolitano says Bend OverJanet Napolitano says do your patriotic duty for the TSAIn this article Janet Napolitano says that you should be a patriotic American and flush your constitutional rights down the toilet so the TSA can do their unconstitutional job of searching and inspecting you at airports through out the land.Constitutional rights, you ain't got not Constitutional rights according to Janet Napolitano. If your a patriotic American you should let the government flush your rights down the toilet. AZ POST - Peace Officer Status and Training Request for Public Records for the number of cops that work for each police department in Arizona sal_diciccio.html Sue this jerk for refusing to stop sending me email sal diciccio az_post.html arizona_pensions.html make a public request for a copy of the law visit_quartzsite_arizona.html phoenix_cop_james_wren.html David Dorn is a lot like Phoenix Cop James Wren! Corrections Corporation of America Prison Beating in IdahoIn this article we see prison beatings in an Idaho Prison run by CCA or Corrections Corporation of America.The article says the CCA prison guards allow the beatings of one inmate by another inmate in an attempt to get the inmates to snitch on each other. I bet David Dorn will love this article. David Dorn has a habit of making up lies about people being snitches. For bonus points we throw in an article about Sheriff Joe's thugs beating up inmates in the Maricopa County Jail. In the article Sheriff Joe pretends to be shocked over the beatings he condones. F*ck you Sheriff Joe and David Dorn! You are both creep and jerks in my eyes. Brownie attacks Ginger![]() The dogs must have been fighting for 5 minutes or so. They were squirting them with a hose to break them up. That didn't work. The fight finally ended when the two fighting dogs fell into the pool. We found Gingers pink collar at the bottom of the pool which makes me think that Brownie grabbed the collar and shook the krap out of Ginger while biting down on the collar. The next day they took Brownie down to the dog pound to give here away. I was told that Brownie gave the folks at the dog pound a hard time so they executed her the same day they got her. Too bad Brownie never even got to be put up for adoption. On the other hand Brownie doesn't have too good of a history. Brownie bit one of her masters on the arm and hand several time. Brownie also got into a prior fight with Ginger. They was when Brownie bit her master on the arm and hand. ![]() Nov 29 - It's cold!!!Source Vote the crooks out!Sadly every two years people seem to swap parties. The Democrats get into power because the people are tired of the Republicans stealing their money. So they vote the Republican crooks out and vote the Democratic crooks in.Then two years later the same thing happens. Execpt that the second time around the people vote the Democratic crooks out of power and vote the Republican crooks back into to power. If people were smart enough to vote Libertarian this wouldn't have to happen every two years. |
Government nannies will bring us higher quality pot?Don't make me laugh! This is just a jobs program for government bureaucrats!In this article a bunch of government bureaucrats in Colorado pretend to be concerned about the quality of marijuana that medical patients can get.Don't make me laugh. This is nothing more then a jobs program for government nannies. Anytime the government touches anything the price goes up and the quality goes down. If you want medical marijuana patients to get high quality marijuana the only way to do that is fire the government nannies and let the free market do it's work. Despite the fact that marijuana has been an illegal drug since 1937 the quality of marijuana has dramatically improved despite the government attempt to totally stop the use of marijuana. And of course all those improvements were done by the FREE MARKET, not government nannies. idiots I work for autorun_files_USB_and_CDs.html create a techie web site with all these articles on techie stuf vote_without_stinking_id.html University of Phoenix donated $1 million to legalize pot Appollo Group donated $1 million to legalize pot cia_costs_80_billion.html take concealed weapons class libertarians.html Phoney Baloney Libertatians running for office - bitch about Marc Victors loan modification stuff 25 cent light rail? get a copy of the law and the penatlies for breaking it xxx Valley Metro to check citizenship of riders? UserId/Password now needed to search Arizona public records flagstaff_parks.html American Declaration of Independence. dog_attack.html e-verify-sign-up.html defend_sb_1070.html mesa_motels_require_id.html emerchant_direct_again.html xxx Valley Metro to check citizenship of riders? UserId/Password now needed to search Arizona public records flagstaff_parks.html Write a few more scrape programs? e-verify-sign-up.html Some books on my reading list