
Electric Aluminum Truth Store

January 2011

The invention of religion

The invention of religion - OK here is how it works. 
          First you never question anything I tell you

When will the Secret Service shoot down a commercial airliner?

I wonder how long it will be before paranoid, trigger happy Secret Service agents shoot down a commercial airline in an incident like in this article?

Average Phoenix employee is paid a measly $97,063

According to this article the average Phoenix employee is paid a measly $97,063.

The government rulers of Phoenix think you should be proud of them because they have reduced the cost of an average employee by a measly 0.7 percent or $640 from $97,707 to the current $97,063.

The average yearly pay of $97,063 amounts to measly $1,866 a week or $46.66 per hour if you assume these government bureaucrats put in 40 hours a week micromanaging your life.

Ain't you proud of the government ruler you voted for? Or perhaps you a lot like most Phoenix residents who pay the bills and would love to string them up by a rope from a street light!

Elected officials work for their employees?

Yes in we are told that in theory elected officials work for us taxpayers or voters.

Of course that ain't how it works in reality.

In reality our elected officials very often work for the employees that work for them according to this article.

No it

How is the drug war affecting tourism in Mexico?

According to this article the main effect of the drug war in Mexico is that it is driving the prices of tourist stuff down.

Yes the drug war is causing people to avoid Mexico, but in return hotels are cutting prices to get people to come.

California cops can search your cell phone and computer without a warrant

In this article the California Supreme Court has ruled that if you are arrested the police can search your cell phone and computer without a warrant.

At least in this case we know the cops are searching thru your data looking for something to arrest you for.

I read that when you are arrested the cops can search thru your car before they tow it.

The cops claim the purpose of the search is so they can inventory the stuff in your car in case it gets stolen.

Of course in cases where a person had their car towed by the cops and then broken into while the car was in police custody they courts ruled that the cops were not liable for the stuff stolen. Even though the cops searched the car and inventoried the stuff.

Of course that seems like on one hand the cops are pretending to search your car to protect your stuff. But in reality the cops want to search your car to find stuff they can use against you in court.

Calexico, California is an easy place to sneak across the border?

From this article it sounds like Calexico, California, which borders the Mexican city of Mexicali, is a pretty easy place to sneak across the border.

Of course you have to swim the canal so i wouldn't hurt to have some inner tubes or even better a boat.

Oddly Mexicali is a Chinese town. Many years ago Chinese immigrants flooded to the area to either work on the farms or railroads and they have stayed.

If you want some good Chinese food check out Mexicali!

Kodachrome Film is dead?

According to this article Kodachrome film is dead.

The only person I know who uses Kodachrome film is a guy named Ben Kalafut who is an alleged Libertarian.

David Dorn destroyed my life by falsely calling me a government snitch so I am not going to do that to Ben Kalafut. I don't have any proof or even evidence that he is a government snitch.

But as I said before he is an "alleged Libertarian" and from his statements on the Arizona Libertarian listserver he sounds like a Green Party member who got on a Libertarian list server by accident.

Ben Kalafut said he was going to interview me about some of the lawsuits I have filed against the police for false arrest and civil rights violations in Federal court.

He talked to me but never wrote the article.

When he talked to me it sounded like he was in cahoots with Mr. Light on Liberty who is a self proclaimed hater of Libertarians.

Even though Mr. Light on Liberty denies it I suspect he is either a Federal or Arizona cop who was assigned to monitor the email of Libertarian groups.

Mr. Light on Liberty claims to live in Washington D.C.,but I suspect there is a good chance he might live in Tucson, Arizona.

DHS tyrants try to throw a monkey wrench into medical marijuana laws

In this article the tyrants at Arizona Department of Health Services appear to be trying to throw a monkey wrench into the Arizona medical marijuana laws and prevent people from using medical marijuana by making it almost impossible to open a medical marijuana pharmacy, and by making it extemelly difficult to get a medical marijuana presecription or recommendation as it is correctly called.

A weird dream about my Tempe home

I had a weird dream about my Tempe home. I was living in it and renting out rooms to tons of people. There probably was 6 or 7 people living there. They partied all the time too.

I am not sure where the house was. It could have been that house on Parkway. Or it could have been an identical house on Beck.

It was a weird dream.

John Wilkes Booth busted

I saw a movie about how John Wilkes Booth was arrested.

Jesus cops have not changed at all since Abraham Lincoln was assassinated.

Booth and his friend were busted in a barn somewhere near the Maryland, Virginia border during the night.

Booth's friend decided to surrender.

John Wilkes Booth - the guy who killed President Abraham Lincoln

Because Booth did not surrender the 2 Federal cops along with 20 army troops that were involved in the arrest decided to burn the barn down. Screw the sensible thing and wait for daylight to come and arrest him in the barn. And on top of that screw the farmer who owned the barn.

When the barn was set on fire John Wilkes Booth decided to surrender.

As he was about to leave the barn one of the Federal cops shot John Wilkes Booth in the neck which caused his death. This criminal thug said God told him to shoot John Wilkes Booth. Yea sure!

If God really existed he wouldn't waste his time ordering people to kill John Wilkes Booth.

I mistakenly had thought that John Wilkes Booth was hung to death in a Federal prison.

Well almost all the folks that were in the plot to kill Lincoln along with John Wilkes Booth were hung to death in a Federal prison.

A couple of the other folks involved in the plot, or who helped John Wilkes Booth escape were sentenced to life in prison at hard labor.

Deputy Louie Puroll fired for lies about desert gun battle

In this article we find out that Pinal County Deputy Louie Puroll was fired for lies he told about a desert gun battle with some dope smugglers.

Now the reason question is Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu also lying about the desert gun battle?

Pinal County Deputy Louie Puroll - 
          fired for lying about a gun battle 
          in the desert with dope smugglers

Drug sniffing dogs frequently wrong

In this article we find out that the drug sniffing dogs the police use in their war against the American people are frequently wrong.

If you ask me I don't think the dogs are wrong at all. I suspect the problem is the cop who is handling the dog wants to search the person's car and lies about the dog finding drugs. Of course that is perjury, but what perjury to a cop? They usually have lied in court a number of times to convict innocent people they think are criminals.

So to the cop it ain't perjury, it's just a dirty way to get criminals off the street.

Of course my question is how do we get these crooked cops off the street who have flushed the Constitution down the toilet.

I won't give you an answer here because I don't want to be framed by these police terrorists either!

PLEA - Phoenix Police Union

According to this article PLEA is the union used by the Phoenix Police. Currently 83 percent of the cops are members of PLEA and it costs them $60 a month or $720 a year to be a member.

The article says about 43 percent of the Phoenix budget goes to the Phoenix Police Department, which is typical for most city government. When you throw in the Phoenix Fire Department the combined police and fire department budgets are about 75 percent of the total Phoenix budget, which is typical for most cities.

Mesa selectively enforces it's messy yard laws

In this article it sure sounds like the city of Mesa selectivelly enforces it's messy yard laws.

Cops never make mistakes? Yea sure!

In this article the cops identified the wrong guy in this shoot out between the police and suspect in Chandler Fashion Center Mall.

Hell the cops even thought he was a different guy when they were following him around.

If the cops can incorrectly identify this guy they certainly can incorrectly identify other people.

Number and locations of Arizona cops

Here is a list of all the police departments in Arizona and how many cops are in each agency.

Rosie the Riveter

Even if Rosie the Riveter was just a bunch of government propaganda I thought her posters were pretty cool. In this article we find out the creator of Rosie the Riveter has just died.

An excuse to eat wasabi?

I love sushi. Well I really don't love sushi, I just use it as an excuse to eat wasabi which is the green horseradish that the Japanese folks love to put on sushi. In this article a sushi making robot gives us a lame excuse to eat wasabi!

Visit Quartzite Arizona

Every winter Quartzite, becomes the third largest city in Arizona a snow birds from the Midwest and Canada flock there in the RVs to get out of the cold.

I want to visit Quartzite and check it out.

Elected officials work for their employees?

On paper we are told that our elected officials work for us taxpayers.

But in reality our elected officials work for themselves, and work for the employees that report to them. Read more here.

Why do they work for their employees?

Because if they give their employees anything they want it is an easy way to get votes to get reelected.

ADHS Director Will Humble throws money wrench into medical marijuana law

In this article it sure sounds like Will Humble who is the director of the Arizona Department of Health Services is trying to throw a monkey wrench into Arizona's medical marijuana laws and prevent people for using the drug.

Witches cast spells on government tyrants

In this article some Romanian witches cast spells on government tyrants to protest new taxes. OK I am not superstitious and don't believe in magic or supernatural beings but I wish the witches the best in their war on government tyrants!

Banning fireworks is illegal per the 2nd Amendment

If you ask me any law that makes fireworks illegal is a violation of the 2nd Amendment which is our right to keep and bear arms.

In this article they talk about Arizona new law which makes it legal to sell fireworks, but which allows city governments to band the use of these now legal fireworks!

Trigger happy cops have shootout in Chandler Mall

In this article some trigger happy Federal, State and city cops caused a shoot out to occur at Chandler Fashion Center Mall.

I suspect these dumb pigs are so excited with the possibility of arresting a criminal that they could care less if they kill a few civilians in the process.

As usual, government for the purpose of the government rulers, not the people the government rulers are supposed to serve.

Alaska runs homeless people out of town

In this article the city of Anchorage Alaska is trying to run all the homeless folks out of town an steal their property. A Superior Court Judge said the practice is unconstitutional.

Congress pretends to obey the Constitution

In this article the government tyrants in Congress are pretending that they obey the Constitution by reading the Constitution on the House floor.

What a joke!

If the tyrants really wanted to obey the Constitution it would be pretty simple. Just repeal the tens of thousands of unconstitutional laws they have passed in the last 150 years.

Using drug dogs as an excuse for illegal searches

In this article they are leading toward saying that the cops are using drug dogs to perform illegal searches on minorities.

Look the problem ain't the drug dogs. They have a keener sense of smell then their human masters will every have.

The problem is the lying cops who handle the drug dogs and claim that the drug dog has detected drugs, when it hasn't!

As Libertarian CD said you have to put the drug dog on the witness stand and ask the dog if it really sniffed the drugs, or if the drug dogs handler made up the story about the dog sniffing drugs. But dogs can talk so we won't be able to do that.

Of course the "drug war" is nothing more then an illegal, unconstitutional war on the American people.

PLEA - Phoenix Law Enforcement Association

If you ask me PLEA or the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association is doing it's best to turn Phoenix into a police state where the whole purpose of government it to pay cops big buck to micromanage the lives of the serfs they rule over.

Read more about PLEA or the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association in this article.

Messy yard laws selectively enforced?

In this article it sure sounds like the "messy yard" laws are selectively enforced in Mesa.

Joshua Trent Pearce can smoke marijuana but you can't!

Of course your daddy ain't Arizona Congressman Russell Pearce!

Joshua Trent Pearce, son of the powerful Arizona Congressman Russell Pearce In this article we hear the usual "do as I say, not as I do" line from government rulers! Which means all of us serfs except cops and government rulers will be expected to obey the letter of the law!

And that is probably why the cops let Joshua Trent Pearce get away with smoking pot and driving, something the rest of us serfs would be severely punished for if we got caught doing.

A friend of mind often sees government tyrant Russell Pearce in his social circles and says that Russell Pearce is one of those from from the stone age who still thinks that pot smoker and pot dealers should not just be jailed, but should be executed.

I wonder if Russell Pearce feels the same way for his son?

Arizona Congresswoman Giffords shot in Tucson

Arizona Congresswoman Giffords shot in Tucson According to this article Arizona Congresswoman Giffords was shot in Tucson at the Safeway up on Ina Road and Oracle where I used to eat lunch all the time.

In this PDF document we have the murder charges filed against Jared Loughner.

Is Mayor Phil Gordon smoking crack?

Mayor Phil Gordon to bring 35,000 jobs to Phoenix? Yea Sure!

In this article Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon claims he will bring 35,000 jobs to Phoenix. If Mayor Phil Gordon can smoke crack how come it is illegal for the rest of us to smoke crack?

My only question is how much will these jobs cost, and how many days will the jobs last.

In these cases where politicians promise to bring jobs to a community it usually involves stealing large amounts of our money and giving it to special interest groups who bring us a few jobs that last for a few days, weeks or months and then disappear when the money is gone.

I don't want to pay for that!

Public schools spend $200K on tickets for sporting events

In this article we find that the government public school group "Valley Schools Management Group" has spent over $200,000 for Diamondbacks tickets, golf resorts and memberships and skybox seating tickets at sporting events.

While it is a proven fact that many government schools can't teach your kids how to read or write they certainly are doing a fantastic job at taking your tax dollars and spending it on themselves.

Supreme Court approves unconstitutional laws that ban bullet proof vests

In this article the Supreme Court approves unconstitutional laws banning bullet proof vests.

The faulty logic they used in approving this ban on bullet proof vests is that the US Congress is all powerful and can do any damn thing it wants to do based on the "Commerce Clause".

This isn't the first time the Supreme have sold out the People and approved this rubbish that Congress is all powerful per the "Commerce Clause".

They used the same poor logic in the last California Medical Marijuana case. And of course they have used the same logic before in gun cases.

Meth flourishes despite tracking laws

Another dismal drug war failure? Damn right! Other then flushing our constitutional rights down the toilet the silly new drug war laws that to prevent people from buying pseudoephedrine because it can be used to make meth are a dismal failure. Read more about it in this article.

Drop everything your doing I need help!

here to check out my prior comments on this subject.

I have told the jerk that I would help him with his email. I didn't tell the jerk that I would drop everything I was doing and immediately help him with his email.

Of course since I am doing this for FREE I didn't think I would be required to drop everything I was doing and instantly help the jerk with his email.

Of course that isn't how the jerk feels. I guess he thinks he is the most important person in the universe and that anytime he needs help people should instantly drop what they are doing and help him.

Today I got yelled at for leaving early and not helping him.

When I got home I told him that if he wanted I would help him out with his email.

That is when the jerk yelled at me for leaving early.

He told me something to the effect that I should have not left early like I always do, but instead I should have waited around for him to get up at 7am, eat breakfast and then when he was done with breakfast I should have helped him.

I guess the jerk thinks I am his 24 hour a day slave.

While I should have told the jerk to F* himself I didn't. Instead I helped him the next morning.

Of course it was the usually thing with the jerk. Instead of sitting down and learning what I had to show him it was nothing but bitching, moaning and blaming all his problems on the rest of the world.

And the jerk wasn't even paying me.!

F* the jerk!

Lately the jerk has decided that my English isn't up to his standards and he has been correcting me on it.

How many times to I have to tell the jerk that I don't speak the Kings English.

I speak an Arizona version of American English. If the jerk wants to listen to people who only speak the King's English maybe he should move back to Britain.

I certainly don't plan on changing my perfectly good Arizona version of American English and talking the way a bunch of silly royal a*holes in England do.

And of course I feel the same way about English royalty that the French do. There isn't anything that is so screwed up in those royal a*holes that it can't be fixed by a guillotine.

More on the jerk!

Bus drive accuses me of puking up on her seat

Tuesday, January 11, 2011, the day after the BCS college championship bowl I went to the bus stop at 8:30am to catch the 8:45am bus.

I went to the back seat to sit down, but the seat in front of me was covered in puke so I moved closer to the front of the bus.

The bus driver is a real jerk so I didn't bother telling her that someone had puked on her seat.

For that matter I intentionally didn't tell the woman because she is a real jerk and I figured she would stop the bus and refuse to continue until they gave her another bus. I think that is the rules that Valley Metro has them obey.

Later on some kids got on the bus and one of them pointed out that the back seat was covered in puke.

I wanted to tell the kid that said that the he really screwed up because the a*h*le driver would probably stop the bus and make us wait till another bus came.

Instead the jerk driver got some yell plastic tape and blocked off the seat with it.

I was really p*ssed because when we got to Chandler the lady driver accused me of puking on the seat. Jesus Christ that lady is a real jerk!

Just because I went to the back of the bus and didn't sit down when I saw the puke she is accusing me of doing the puking.

I have had similar problems with this jerk lady driver before.

The first time I met the driver she cheated me out of $1 on the 66 bus. I don't remember the details but I am sure I wrote it up on these web pages. You can read about the problems I had with that basket case bus driver here.

The second time I had problems with this same woman she was driving the 72 bus and she stopped it and refused to continue to move it until some kid turned down his head phones.

The kid refused to turn them down so this jerk lady refused to drive the bus and stopped it waiting for the cops to come.

I ended up getting off of that bus and taking the next 72 bus that came along. Back then I had my bike.

I am not sure why the lady is now working for Mesa? Maybe Tempe fired her!

Tucson gets Pancho Villa statute Guadalupe refused

In this article we find out that Tucson accepted a statute of Pancho Villa that the Town of Guadalupe, which is in the Phoenix metro area refused.

Most people don't know it but most of the people that live in the Town of Guadalupe are Yaqui Indians who at the time were political refuges that were chases out of Mexico by the government.

Self Esteem with David Dorn - No way!

How can you possibly have self esteem when you have a guy like David Dorn telling people that your a govermment snitch. You can't! Read more.

Thunderstorms produce antimatter?

According to this article the lightning in thunderstorms is capable of producing antimatter.

Wow! Things keep getting weirder as we learn more. When I was a kid they told us that antimatter if it did exist would blow you to kingdom come as soon as it contacted any real matter.

Alan Korwin talks on CNN about gun laws

On this CNN webpage Alan Korwin who is the author of several books on gun laws talks about guns in relation to the Tucson shooting of Arizona Congresswoman Gabriel Giffords.

Alan Korwin is a supporter of the gun rights, while it seems like the folks at CNN wanted to demonize guns it this interview it didn't work out that way.

Phoenix cold wave ends!

Finally this cold wave is ending. I still hate winter and will be damn happy when 100°F+ temps come back in April!

Ariz. forecast: High pressure brings warm weather

by Sarah Walters - Jan. 13, 2011 07:19 AM

12 News Weather Plus Meteorologist

It's going to be a beautiful day today, as high pressure is settling back into the southwest. Expect mostly sunny skies, light winds, and warmer temperatures. Valley highs will rise above average, ranging from 64-69.

On and off high clouds can be expected from time to time, but for the most part, with high pressure in control on Friday, we're expecting mostly sunny skies and dry conditions. Temperatures will be on the rise over the next few days, reaching the low 70s by Friday, and even warming into the mid 70s for the weekend.

With strong high pressure in control, those 70-degree highs will stick around throughout next work week as well, along with all that sunshine. Enjoy the beautiful weather!

To get the latest forecast go to our 24-hour weather channel, 12 News Weather Plus. You can find it on Cox Digital Cable 83, Qwest Choice TV 66, over the air 12.2, or on www.12news.azcentral.com.

Valley weather forecast: Mostly sunny skies and light winds expected today. Highs: 64-69. Tonight: Mostly clear & mild. Lows: 37-47.

12 News Weather Plus Forecast Temperatures for the state:

Phoenix 69 / 47
Tempe 67 / 46
Chandler 67 / 45
Mesa 69 / 46
Scottsdale 69 / 46
Gilbert 68 / 43
Apache Junction 66/ 45
Cave Creek 64 / 37
Surprise 69 / 39
Peoria 68 / 40
Glendale 67 / 39
Avondale 69 / 40

Knife control? What part of the 2nd Amendment don't they understand

In this article we read about "knife control" in Arizona. Yes the laws are getting slightly better but the real problem is these government tyrants don't think they have to obey the 2nd Amendment.

Like guns, there should not be any laws controlling a persons right to keep and bear knives. And of course any laws that interfere with a person's right to keep and bear knives are unconstitutional.

Scottsdale creates corporate welfare program for rich hotels

Scottsdale creates free bus program for hotel guests in North Scottsdale

According to this article the royal rulers of Scottsdale have created a corporate welfare program for the rich hotels in North Scottsdale which gives their guests free bus rides to South Scottsdale.

Of course that buses don't start till 10:30 am which is too late for the Mexicans who work in the hotels to get a free ride to work. I guess those racists Scottsdale rulers don't want to give away anything free to the hard working Mexicans that help make their city a great tourist attraction.

IBM computer competes in 'Jeopardy!' game show

In this article an IBM computer running Linux that is named Watson competes in a 'Jeopardy!' game show.

Oddly the computer is a generic computer running Linux. The nether the computer nor the Linux operating system were invented by IBM.

Schwarzenegger spent $200 million on us?

Arnold  Schwarzenegger claims the California governorship cost him $200 million - What rubbish

In this article ex-California governor Schwarzenegger claims the governorship cost him $200 million. What rubbish!

Israeli computer worms to destroy Iran nuke facilities?

This article is a long rambling article about computer worms created by the Israeli and American government to destroy centrifuges used by the Iran government to extract uranium to product nuclear weapons.

As usual the American government has a double standard on who can own nuclear weapons.

If you support the American Empire, the American government will let you have nuclear weapons. Of course you you are an opponent of the American Empire we will do the best we can to prevent you from producing nuclear weapons.

Arizona government rulers who are gun grabbers

In this article in the Arizona Republic the NRA identified Arizona politicians and elected officials who are gun grabbing tyrants who what to take away our God given right to keep and bear arms.

Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot

In this article Arizona government tyrant Gabrielle Giffords was shot. Why is she a tyranny?

Well probably at least 99 percent and more likely 99.9 percent of the laws Congress passes are unconstitutional.

Of course that makes every Congressman and Senator that votes for these laws a tyrant.

Probably the only Congressman who is not a tyrant is Ron Paul from Texas.

Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon to create 35,000 jobs

In this article Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon slings the BS and is trying to convince us that he will create 35,000 new jobs in the next year in Phoenix.

Come on you lying sack of sh*t government rulers only do two things, 1) steal our money and 2) micromanage our lives. Government tyrants don't create jobs.

Open your wallet the Chinese are invading!

The famous quote from H. L. Mencken reads:
"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
Of course that is what they are doing in this article.

American spends more money on our military then all of the other countries in the world spend, combined.

In the article they are trying to convince us that the government needs more money on military weapons, because if we don't those evil slant eyed Chinese monsters will invade us.

What rubbish! It is nothing more then a jobs program for generals and a corporate welfare program for the corporations that make the military weapons.

Obama wants internet drivers licenses?

In this article Obama sounds like he wants you to have a government issued photo ID before you can surf the internet.

Why do you need an internet ID card?

So the FBI agent who reads you email everyday can link you to any suspicious emails that you send or receive and to allow the FBI to be at your home and arrest you.

Murder charges against Jared Loughner

Here is a PDF document in which the Feds are charging Jared Loughner with the attempted murder of Gabrielle Giffords.

How can you have self esteem when people are spreading lies about you?

This article says that young people crave self-esteem above sex.

How can you possible have any self esteem when a nut job is going around spreading around lies that you are a government snitch?

Arizona Gun Grabbers

In this article we have a list of the members of the Arizona House and Senate who are gun grabbers and want to steal your guns while they flush your Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms down the toilet! They are tyrants.

The Zodiac is out of wack?

It looks like since the Zodiac was invented 3,000 plus years ago it has gotten slight out of wack and the dates for each Zodiac sign are off by a few days. Read more in this article.

While your at it check this other article on how the Christian calendar got out of wack by 10 days and had to be fixed in 1752.

This other article gets more into the subject and says the calender was also out of wack in 1582 and they had to skip over a few days to fix things up.

Mike Renzulli loves cops?

Alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli says some really strange things if you ask me.

In this e-mail alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli seems to be a lover of the police.

I always thought the police state was something Libertarians would hate!

Drone spy planes for American cops?

In this article it sounds like American police forces want drone airplanes to spy on the serfs they rule over.

I wonder how long it will be before the American Police will be using drone attack and destroy fighter planes to launch missiles to kill suspected drug dealers in American cities.

You say never? Because Americans have "Constitutional Rights"

Why not? Currently the American Empire is using drones which serve as the judge, jury and executioner of suspected criminals in Iraq and Afghanistan. How soon will it be before these drones which serve as the judge, jury and executioner will be killing Americans suspected of drug war crimes in ghettos across America?

A computer that plays Jeopardy

Here are a couple articles ( article 1 article 2 ) where an IBM Linux computer is playing Jeopardy on a TV show against humans.

The real difficulty with that is not writing the software but doing the systems analysis and figuring out how the software should work. And I bet it was a bitch!!!!

Knife Control In Arizona

In this article because government tyrants in Arizona cities have routinely flushed the Second Amendment down the toilet and made keeping and bearing knives illegal in one form or another the state of Arizona passed a law making it illegal for city governments to regulate or ban knives.

I have read thru the local city laws for Phoenix and Tempe and I am amazed at how city government routinely pass laws which repeal everything in the Bill of Rights.

Both Phoenix and Tempe have laws requiring you to answer all questions from police officers, effectively repealing the 5th Amendment.

Both Phoenix and Tempe have laws allowing the police to search you, your home and just about anything else they want to effectively repealing the 4th Amendment.

Drones - a future weapon of freedom fighters?

Currently the American Empire is using it's unmanned surveillance drones and attack drones to terrorize and murder people in Afghanistan and Iraq. I hate the illegal, unconstitutional and criminal acts of my American rulers, but there ain't much I can to about it.

While these drones are the current terrorist weapons of the American Empire I do think the drones are really cool for all the neat stuff they can do which they talk about in this article on the high tech instruments of destruction.

I suspect that in the future these unmanned, low cost drones could become the weapons of freedom fighters against tyrannical governments.

Low cost drones can be used for surveillance purposes by freedom fighters. Low cost attack drones can also be used by freedom fighters to attack and destroy heavily defended military targets which would be too costly to attack by humans.

And if guess since they are all controlled by computers you could make a low cost drone which would be big enough to carry enough explosives to take out a battleship or aircraft carrier in an attack by freedom fighters.

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger slings the BS

In this article California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger slings the BS and says the governorship cost him $200 million.

What are we supposed to do feel sorry for the creep? Give him $200 million in cold cash to get the jerk to move out of Sacramento and back to LA?

But that is typical of politicians, they will lie and say anything to get elected.

Obama - Screw the FOIA

If this article it sounds like the Obama administration is making high level political appointees review all Freedom of Information Act requests so they don't release anything that makes Obama's gang of government rulers look bad.

God looks like this?

God created man in his image and God looks like this?

OK, then we will go back to concept that God is make believe and doesn't exist?


Messy yard cops shutting down horse rescue center

In this article some Maricopa County Messy yard cops are trying to shut down the Wildhorse Ranch because of messy yard zoning violations.

The Wildhorse Ranch rescues unwanted horses.

Corporate welfare program for rich Scottsdale Hotels?

In this article we have what looks like a government welfare program for the rich hotels in north Scottsdale.

USA attacks Iran with computer worms?

In this article it appears that the American and Israeli governments have been attacking Iran nuke sites with computer worms?

If you ask me America sounds like a super bully who will do anything to prevent other countries from getting nuclear weapons which can be used to defend themselves against attacks by the American Empire.

Obama lied about making the American government more open

Obama - F*ck the FOIA! OK, he didn't say that, but the results are the same! In this article it sure sounds like Obama is continuing the Bush policy of keeping the American public in the dark about what the American government is doing.

If you love the police state shout:

Heil Hitler;
Heil Bush;
Heil Obama;

Cool iPod or iPad applications?

In this article car salesmen are using iPods or iPads to help give customers more information about the cars they are selling.

On one hand the article seems to say the car dealer is using the iPods to help out the customers. On the other hand the article seems to be saying they could care less about helping the customer find a better car deal and they are more interested in removing every last cent from the customers wallet.

Thieves steal cars with out keys

In this article they talk about some cool high tech ways thieves are using radio waves to steal cars.

From a computer geek viewpoint you would figure this would be impossible since the data transmitted on the radio waves is encrypted, but the article says it is pretty easy for the thieves to get around that.

Mike Renzulli loves pigs?

From this email it sure sounds like alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli loves pigs. I am not quite sure why Mr. Renzulli sent this email says that "PIGS stands for Pride, Integrity and Guts".

Steve Benson is a gun grabber?

From this editorial cartoon published in the Arizona Republic it sure sounds like Steve Benson is also a gun grabber.

Steve Benson when is isn't working his real job at the Arizona Republic is a reserve cop on the Gilbert Police department.

It sure sounds like Steve Benson is one of those cops who thinks that us serfs should not be allowed to have guns. Those cops are think they are their to protect the government rulers from us serfs.

Even thought they claim to be public servants they know in reality they are really our royal masters and want to keep guns out of our hands.

Only tyrants limit free speech and gun rights

Should you need a "1st Amendment permit" to create web pages like this with anti-government idea? How about a $200 yearly tax on anyone who exercises their "free speech" rights. Now that isn't any different then requiring anyone who purchases a machinegun to get a yearly $200 "2nd Amendment" permit. Check out this rant.

NASA employees don't have Constitutional rights?

In this article it sounds like the Supreme Court is saying that government employees don't have any Constitutional rights.

Wow! It sure is cold in Chicago!!!!


Teeth-chattering Siberian Express roars in

Tribune staff report

5:35 a.m. CST, January 21, 2011

An arctic cold blast from Siberia is visiting the Chicago area, driving temperatures below zero for the first time in a year and creating dangerous wind chills.

The National Weather Service has a wind chill advisory in effect until 11 a.m.

At 5 a.m., area temperature and wind chill readings were: O'Hare International Airport, 2 below zero with a wind chill of 19 below; Midway, 1 above with a wind chill of 17 below; Aurora, 6 below and 21 below; Lansing, 1 above and 14 below; Waukegan, 3 below and 15 below; West Chicago, 4 below and 20 below; Wheeling, 1 below and 14 below; Valparaiso, 2 above and 16 below., and Rockford, 6 below and 18 below.

Wind chills are expected to be under 20 below, and possibly as low as 30 below north and northwest of the city, according to WGN-TV meteorologist Tom Skilling.

The bitter chill ranks among the coldest to hit the area in the past two years. It's part of a huge and brutally cold air mass which has spent the past week intensifying across Canada and Interior Alaska.

The official reading at O'Hare International Airport dipped below zero for the first time this winter. Only three other winters in the past 12 years have failed to produce a 0-degree or lower temperature by now, Skilling said.

The last time it got this cold in the Chicago area was on Jan. 3 of last year, when 1 below was recorded at O'Hare. The next coldest day was Feb 5, 2009, when 4 below was recorded at O'Hare.

The Illinois Department of Human Services is advising people to take advantage of more than 120 state facilities that serve as warming centers. They are located at IDHS offices throughout the state and the seven Illinois Tollway Oases in Chicago.

The Illinois Tollway will launch its Zero Weather Road Patrols tonight to assist drivers stranded in their cars during the deep freeze. The Zero Weather Road Patrols are implemented when temperatures and/or wind chills drop below zero. The Tollway will activate Zero Patrols tonight and into the day Friday until the temperature and/or wind chill rises above zero.

The 24-hour service dedicates hourly patrols in search of motorists stranded in disabled vehicles or in response to calls that come in to *999 motorist assistance, Illinois Tollway dispatch or Illinois State Police District 15.

On Friday, it will be mostly sunny in the morning, then become partly sunny and very cold, with highs of 7 to 11 above. The lowest wind chill readings will be 10 below to 20 below in the morning, the weather service said.

By Saturday, temperatures will rebound to around 20 Saturday and -- on game day Sunday -- the mid 20s with possible snow flurries near the lake.

We are not going to die from Global Warming?

Maybe "global warming" exists, maybe it doesn't. I am not sure. But I do think scientists are using "global warming" as an excuse to get the government to give them money. I am totally against that.

In these articles we find out the scientists made a lot of WRONG predictions about "global warming" and how it will cause plants to die off at low altitudes.

Judge drops murder charge because of police misconduct

Is it really too much to expect the cops to honor the Constitution and Bill or Rights when they arrest people suspected of committing crimes?

I suspect the lazy cops think so. After all it's a lot easier to trick or force a suspect into confessing then it is to do a lot of hard police work and dig up the evidence that would convict a suspected criminal in court.

In this article the cops took the easy way out in an attempt to convict the suspected criminal. As a result the judge threw the murder charges out.

No only have the cops blown their opportunity to get a murder conviction, but they have left a dangerous criminal on the street who may very well murder another person.

If the police expect us serfs to obey the law the police should also obey the law.

Buses used to be for poor people!

Back in the old days city buses used to be slow boring transportation for poor people. Since light rail has come to town it has given poor people an every expensive form of transportation that is much like a Mercedes Benz bus ride for poor folks.

Now the idiots at Valley Metro are using high speed buses to transport people from outlying areas to the light rail stations according to this article.

If you love expensive high priced government pork yell "Heil Hitler" in unison.

Medical Marijuana rules for Chandler, Arizona

Here are the proposed medical marijuana rules which are proposed for the city of Chandler. Copy from the City of Chandler. Copy on Arizona Indy Media.

Cooking chicharones!! Mmm ....

I have always liked chicharones, but I have never seen them cooked.

Today I went to a Mexican grocery store and say them cooking chicharones. It was pretty cool.

The guy has these rather large sheets of pig skin. They were maybe a foot wide by two feet long and maybe an eight of an inch thick.

He would throw one sheet at a time into this huge wok which was filled with cooking oil.

He would then stir the wok, flip the pigs skin a couple of times and then the chicharone would be done!

Chicago cop gets a slap on the wrist for torture

In this article a Chicago cop gets a slap on the wrist for torturing people to force them to confess to crimes. He got a measly 4 and a half years in prison. Can you imagine what a civilian would get for torturing a police officer.

Light Rail Light Problem

Sat Jan 22, I took the light rail from Tempe to Phoenix and when the train got to 2nd Street they had some problems with the traffic lights. I am guessing it was around 9 a.m. in the morning.

Normally at each station the train stops opens the doors and lets the passengers on and off and then in a few seconds the train closes the doors and quickly leaves the station.

I don't remember if we were at a station or just stopped on the street at a traffic light, but the train took didn't move for a long period of time.

I was curious to what was going on so I walked to the front of the car and peered into the drivers compartment to look around.

The driver didn't seem to have any problem, but there seemed to be a problem with the traffic signals that tell the train driver when to stop and start the train.

The traffic signal for the light rail train to stop is a white horizontal bar. When the train is supposed to go the white horizontal bar turns into a white vertical bar.

I noticed that the traffic signal for the cars was cyclicing normally thru its steps of green, yellow and red for several cycles. But the traffic signal for train was not moving at all. It was sitting in the horizontal position and didn't change as the traffic lights changed for the car.

I figured their was some problem with something that controled the train traffic light.

Although I couldn't talk to the train driver he seem to think that the traffic signals were the problem too.

He got on his telephone and called somebody and talked to them for a little while.

I suspect who ever was talking to the driver told him to run the signal and we took off against the signal.

I got off the bus at McDowell Road and we didn't have any problems up to that point.

Gun Show Arizona State Fair Grounds

I went to the Crossroads gun show today. Man it sure was expensive. They jacked the entrance price up to $15.

Sheriff Mack

I saw Sheriff Mack. I asked him how often cops use the crazy card to steal guns from people they consider criminals.

He dodged the question and told me that he only used the crazy card to steal the guns from one person. He said the guy was a drug addict and he had him declared insane so he could take his guns aways from him.

Tax license for machine guns

I talked to a number of people who were selling machine guns. They told me that the price of a tax stamp that you have to purchases each year for any machine guns you own had gone up from $200 to $250 a year.

I always thought there was only one price you pay for the tax stamp.

They told me that was wrong. They said that the tax stamp you need to have to own a sawed off shot gun was a measly $5. Yes that is not a typo, but a measly five bucks.

I asked what the requirements were to buy explosive devices like grenades and other cool stuff.

The people I talked to said there were not very knowlegable on that subject. But they did say that they thought you needed to get several tax stamps.

The first tax stamp would be a tax stamp for you to handle explosive devices.

They said that in addition to the first tax stamp you needed to get a tax stamp for each explosive device you had.

Tommy guns!

I talked to one guy who was selling Thompson sub-machine guns.

I always thought back around 1933 you could buy a Thompson sub-machine gun for about $50 from a Sears catalog. And that you could buy other less popular brands of machine guns for a measly $10, again from a Sears catalog.

He told me that they cost about $200 to $250 which is a lot higher then the $50 figure I heard in the past.

He also told me that back in those days, before you have to have a tax license to own a machine gun that everybody and his brother had machine guns.

He rambled off a number of people that carried machine guns in those days, the list included bank guards, private cops, along with real cops.

Cool T-shirts

As always there were a number of people selling cool t-shirts.

One guy had a shirt that looked like a cops shirt. It had a badge printed on the shirt along with the words "Police State". No that I can agree with.

Another guy had a shirt that implied the President was a stupid moron.

I asked him which President he was calling a stupid moron.

He said all of them. I told him I agreed with him 100 percent on that.

Surprise, Ariz. mayor files for bankruptcy

Suprise Mayor Lynn Truitt files for bankruptcy Government nannies always say they know how to run our lives better then we do. Well at least that is what they want us to think.

In this article Surprise Mayor Lyn Truitt has filed for personal bankruptcy, citing more than $464,000 in mortgage, credit card and other debt.

Gilbert cops, screw the evidence your guilty

In this article The Gilbert cops framed John Watkins for rape. Of course when the DNA evidence comes back saying it was impossible for John Watkins to have committed the crime the cops say that even if the DNA didn't match he must be guilty.

I bet saying the guy is still guilty is a lot easier then saying "Gee we f*cked up and sent an innocent man to prison for 7 years".

I learned how to fry onions

I pretty much learned how to fry onions up. You just put a little bit of oil on the frying pan, put some onions that are sliced an 1/8 inch think on the pan and heat it up to cook fried onions.

The stuff comes out pretty tasty. The first several batches I used too much oil. So I have to use less oil in the future when I cook them up.

Map of fences along the Mexico/U.S. border

Here is a map of the U.S. and Mexican border which shows which parts of the border have fences along them.

Did the government start the lie that I was a government snitch

About 10 years ago on the day we started bombing Afghanistan Ernie Hancock told me that David Dorn was spreading lies about me to the effect that I was a government snitch.

Needless to say I was pretty angry about that. Sadly over the years my anger has gotten a lot worse as I see more and more how those lies have destroyed my life.

Nobody know it but me and the govenrment tyrants that jerked me around in the past but I do have some stuff that can make the government look pretty bad and I wonder if that was the reason.

Well pretty bad isn't a good word because government tyrants do evil stuff all the time. Police beat people up and are never punished. Cops frame people all the time. The government tyrants steal peoples property all the time. And of course in my case the government tyrants stole a bunch of my stuff.

Sometimes I wonder, was it the government that started this lie to discredit me in the Libertarian community?

I don't have any evidence of that, but I certainly don't know.

Sadly I don't even know what the lies were that David Dorn was allegedly spreading around about me.

I also wonder was Greg Tivnan, Greg Tivman or what ever his name was involved in spreading those lies. He was the guy who told me to come to David Dorn's F.R.E.E. Supper Club.

I think Greg Tivnan has a Korean wife or girlfriend named Doreen. I know he talked about selling guns a lot. I think he moved to Missouri for a while too. He lived in the boondocks there and I talked to him about packet radio and amature radio to talk to people from out in the boonbocks.

The FBI spy camera knows where you parked in the mall

It's 10pm, know where your car is? The FBI spy camera does!

As a computer geek I am quite impressed with how far the software has progressed to allow cameras to spy on your car and record your license plates.

According to this article spy cameras in two California malls are so smart that if you forget where you parked you can type in your license plate and the computer will tell you where you parked your car based on data it collected with spy cameras in the parking garage.

The spy cameras are run by the cops, but they let the folks at the mall have access to the data.

I don't have a problem with civilians collecting, keeping and using this data. But it gets spooky when the government does it.

I thought government was to protect our rights, not follow us around 24 hours a day and spy on us just in case we do something wrong.

Climate change assumption could need tinkering, study finds

Hmmm ... does this mean global warming is a farce? Read this article to find out more.

How do you force breaks with CSS

How do you force breaks with Cascading Style Sheets

I have a photo that I have told to align with the left side of my text which we will call TEXT1.

But the text in TEXT1 is not long enough to cover the entire length of the photo, which is OK with me.

Now after TEXT1 ends I would like to have the next set of text, which we will call TEXT2 start after the photo instead of to the left of the photo.

How do I do that?

Well you use the CSS clear:xxx option which I give some examples on the use here.

xxx can be either right, left, both, none or inherit.

clear :right

The very next code is what I had to do to fix that problem.

Goodyear cops screw up a lot of cases

You can't count on the police to administrator justice fairly

Goodyear Police Officer LaTroy Campbell In this article the Goodyear Police Department sounds like it has screwed up a whole lot of cases.

Valley Metro Bus software screwed up

In this article we find out that the software that controls the fare boxes on Valley Metro buses is screwed up. I ran my pass, which doesn't expire till February, thru the mag strip reader and the stinking computer rejected it.

Someone told me that every time they change the bus schedules, which is maybe every 6 months the software is automatically downloaded to the buses thru a wireless transfer as the buses move thru their bays.

Independents, now out number Democrats in Arizona

According to this article people who are registered as independents now out number Democrats in Arizona. As the number of independents grows it keeps reducing the power of the Democrats and Republicans.

China - Middle Earth

China - Middle Earth

I'm homeless? This lady thinks so

I was sitting down minding my own business on Tuesday, Jan 25, 2001 and this lady named Gneyth Marcus who says she works for the Advocates for Disabled came up to me and accused me of being homeless. She then told me that she could get me free government help.

I asked the woman several times how "she knew I was homeless" and she avoided and refused to answer the question.

Her first answer was "I am a social worker and I know these things".

I then told her that she didn't answer my question which is "why does she know I am homeless"?

I asked her several times again "why do you know I am homeless"? I didn't say it but I wanted her to give me a reason why I am homeless.

Perhaps the police tattooed a label on my forehead that I had not seen that said "homeless".

But the lady refused to answer my question and tell me what caused her to identify me as a homeless persons.

She continued to babble that she was from the government and she could get me help and give me all kinds of wonderful things.

I should have asked her "what made her think I needed help" but I was nice and didn't.

Finally I told her that I thought it was wrong for the government to steal money from one set of people and give it to another set of people. I told her that I though anybody that accepted government welfare was a parasite. And that I was not a parasite and that I didn't want government help.

When she finally figured out that I didn't like government thieves she changed her story and said she worked for a "private company".

I continued to question her and she admitted that her "private company" received government money to give out this so called help.

There is water in the ground?

According to this article you can dig a measly 20 feet underground and find water. Wow! I didn't know it was that easy to find water?

Arizona Universities ban medical marijuana?

In this article the government tyrants that run Arizona State University, the University of Arizona, and Northern Arizona University want to ban medical marijuana from their campuses.

Why? Because they will get less money in the form of Federal government pork.

The tyrants that run these Arizona universities don't want to respect the will of the Arizona voters who voted to allow medical marijuana because it will mean less money for them.

We are told that government rulers are public servants who serve the people. But the way they behave it sounds like they consider themselves royal rulers who operate government to benefit themselves.

King James Bible 400 years old

According to this article the King James Bible is 400 years old.

I have one question. If God is the Supreme Ruler of the Universe how come he has only issued one Bible that is approved by a government.

You would figure that if this God dude was really the master of the Universe he would have issued a book that was printed in every language on the planet and approved by every government on the planet.

Dope addict General David Fridovich says don't do drugs

In this article we get the usual "do as I say, not as I do" message from the government as Dope addict Lieutenant General David Fridovich warns about handing out narcotic pain relievers.

Of course the only solution to this problem is to legalize ALL drugs. And it sure would hurt to get out of those illegal and unconstitutional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan!

A 300% tax on medical marijuana?

Here are a few articles (indy) on a proposed 300 percent tax on medical marijuana in Arizona.

I am not quite sure about all the little details but here is a copy of Arizona bill HB2557 which appears to be a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana.

Here is a copy of the email I got on it:

Date: Thursday, January 27, 2011 5:47 AM
To: The Webmaster
From: Phoenix NORML

This just introduced today: HB2557P

PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW BY CALLING Senators Schapira, Sinema and Representative Farley


>:O Practice what you will say before you call so you can respond in an intelligent manner, but

DO jam those phone lines.

These are 1937 Marihuana Tax Act strategies-right here at our front door.

Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Senator David Schapira, 
             and Representative Steve Farley want to put a 
             300% tax on medical marijuana and sponsored Arizona Bill HB2557

Space Shuttle Challenger blew up 25 years ago

Christa McAuliffe a school teacher who died when the NASA space shuttle Challenger blew up According to these articles the NASA space shuttle Challenger blew up 25 years ago. Instead of admitting the whole disaster was preventable NASA is using the event to glorifiy government and NASA.

Light Rail Vietnamese Babes?

Sorry for using the politically incorrect word "babes" but this is my web site and I can do almost anything I want.

When I was waiting for the light rail yesterday I was standing next to these two oriental woman who I though were speaking Chinese, because the pitch of their voices constantly rose and fell, as opposed to the pretty much monotone way Japanese people talk.

I was kind of surprised when I sat down on the light rail that these two woman sat next to me. Since I look like a homeless person people seem to avoid me.

I keep wanting to ask them what language were they speaking. Was it Cantonese or Mandarin Chinese?

After a very long time I finally asked them what language they were talking.

I was surprised because they told me they were speaking Vietnamese.

I talked to them for a while and they seemed to be rather happy when I told them that I hate American food and love oriental food because it is much spicier.

They even freaked out more when I told them that I love kim chee, which is a Korean food, made from cabbage and chilli peppers.

When we got to the end of the line they told me they worked at the Mekong Market which is a huge oriental grocery store on Dobson and Main in Mesa.

Hmmm ... I wonder, will David Dorn accuse me of being a government snitch because I eat kim chee?

Obama shovels the BS in his 2011 State of the Union

Obama State of Union Address 2011 - Obama shovels the BS - We need blah, blah, blah ...
  Some quotes from Geoff Beneze Geoff Beneze claims to be a freedom fighter that in in favor of the citizens right to keep and bear arms but in these letters he posts he sure seems like he is a big supporter of the police state and a bigger more tyrannical government.

I have told Geoff Beneze a number of times that if you have to get permission from the government to buy, own, carry or use guns we live in a police state where the Second Amendment is null and void, but Geoff Beneze seems to disagree with me on that.

Ready for the TSA thugs to search you?

TSA pat down search - Heil Hitler the Homeland Security thugs are here!

Snow Sucks!

OK I am a desert rat from Phoenix and snow is an alien thing to me that is white and cold, but other then that I don't know much about snow other then that snow and cold weather sucks!

Forecast: 'Potentially life-threatening' blizzard
Storm seen as worst since '99

8:03 a.m. CST, January 31, 2011

The National Weather Service has issued an unusually dire blizzard watch, calling a storm expected to arrive Tuesday afternoon over much of northern Illinois and Northwest Indiana "dangerous, multifaceted and potentially life-threatening."

All told, forecasters expect at least a foot of snow over much of the watch area. White-out conditions are expected at times Tuesday night, with snowfall rates of at least 2 to 3 inches per hour possible with northeast winds of 25 to 40 mph and even stronger gusts.

Localized totals in excess of 18 inches are possible, especially near the lake.

Conditions are expected to deteriorate from north to south across the region Tuesday afternoon with travel becoming "virtually impossible" at times Tuesday night into early Wednesday morning, according to the weather service. Plows will be unable to keep up with the downfall.

"The last storm of this potential magnitude to hit Chicago was in Jan. 2, 1999," said Richard Castro, a meteorologist at the weather service. That day, he said, 18.6 inches of accumulation were measured in the city.

The all-time Chicago record was set on Jan. 26 and 27, 1967, when 23 inches of snow fell on the city, Castro added.

Here's the expected timing:

Snow will increase in intensity and become heavy at times south of Interstate Highway 80 Tuesday afternoon, gradually spreading north into northern Illinois by Tuesday evening.

Snow -- at times heavy--will continue Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. Snow showers will continue near Lake Michigan in northeast Illinois Wednesday morning, shifting into Northwest Indiana during the afternoon.

Northeast winds of 25 to 40 mph with stronger gusts are expected to result in blizzard conditions developing Tuesday evening and continuing into the overnight hours.

Light snow is expected to fall starting Monday morning with up to 4 inches of accumulation expected by midday Tuesday. Following that, the more severe storm is expected to move north into the Chicago area from Arkansas late Tuesday and into Wednesday.


Hell, it's even freezing cold in Phoenix!

I have been dreaming of the nice warm weather that Phoenix will get in a little over 3 months when April comes and the temps start to hit 100°F. But until then I will have to freeze to death with this stinking cold weather!

Phoenix area can expect cooler temperatures along with the rain

by Kiali Wong - Jan. 31, 2011 08:57 AM

The Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team

Phoenix-area temperatures should dip into the 60s Monday and Tuesday, a change accompanied by spotty rain Monday and near freezing temperatures beginning Wednesday morning, according to a National Weather Service meteorologist.

Possible thunderstorms are predicted after 11 a.m. Monday, with light rain possible all day, meteorologist Hector Vasquez said. Rain has already fallen in parts of the Valley.

The day's high is predicted to hover near 63. The average temperature for this time of year in Phoenix is about 69.

The change from recent temperatures is thanks to a low-pressure system that moved through Washington and Oregon before arriving in Arizona, Vasquez said. The system is expected to leave Arizona on Monday night, arriving in Texas by Tuesday morning and then carrying moisture eastward by Wednesday night.

Morning temperatures should approach freezing around the Valley from Wednesday through Friday. Sunny skies are predicted for the three days, but wind chills should make temperatures feel colder. Wednesday's predicted high near 49 should feel closer to 43 with winds between 10 and 18 mph. Gusts on Wednesday could be as strong as 30 mph.

Snow showers in Flagstaff should only deliver 1 to 2 inches of light, dry snow above 4,500 feet, particularly in mountains to the north and east.


Rain greets Valley commuters; cool week lies ahead

Posted: Monday, January 31, 2011 11:00 am | Updated: 1:26 pm, Mon Jan 31, 2011.

Rain greets Valley commuters; cool week lies ahead By Mike Sakal, Tribune East Valley Tribune | 0 comments

The warm weather experienced over the weekend has turned to rain and the temperatures are expected to drop below freezing this week in some parts of the Valley, according to information from the National Weather Service at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

Motorists on Monday morning were greeted with sprinkles of rain throughout the East Valley coming across the state on a Pacific low-pressure system, but after the rain stops by the afternoon, a second low-pressure system from the northwest mixed with Arctic air will slide into the state and stay until the weekend, according to Keith Kincaid, meteorologist for the National Weather Service.

Less than five-hundreths of an inch of rain came down in most parts of the Valley, not causing any problems, but a freeze watch warning will be in effect Wednesday through Friday.

“The second low-pressure system will be significantly dryer and cooler,” Kincaid said. “It happens quite frequently, but the cold air doesn’t usually get that far south." The low temperature for Tuesday will be 37 with a high of 61, and on Wednesday the low will be 37 with a high of 49 – that’s nearly 20 degrees cooler than the average highs for this time of year.

On Thursday, the low temperature in the Valley is expected to be 33 with a high of 51, but Kincaid was quick to say that outlying parts of the Valley to the east or southeast could see temperatures drop into the high 20s.

Residents are advised to cover up plants and keep pets inside during that time. Anyone who has had trouble with water pipes also should cover them up or keep an eye on them, Kincaid said.

Warmer temperatures are expected by the weekend and should climb back up into the low 60s, which should be about normal for this time of year, Kincaid said.

Mike Renzulli a hate monger?

From these comments alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli makes in his e-mails he sure sounds like a hate monger.

I don't know if Mike Renzulli knows it, but a hate monger is somebody who sells hate.

Phoenix Mayor Gordon's cop son placed on leave

In this article Phoenix Police Officer Jeffrey Gordon, who is the son of Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon is placed on leave.

While alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli says that PIGS stands for Pride Integerity and Guts I will continue to call them jack booted thugs which most of them are.

Tempe Police use "psychic " in Baby Gabriel case

In this article the Tempe Police are using a psychic trying to solve the Baby Gabriel murder, if it is a murder.

How can these dopey cops be allowed to waste our tax dollars using this superstitious rubbish in an attempt to solve a crime.

Glock: America's Gun

According to this article Glock is America's gun, even if it was used to shoot Arizona's Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot in Tucson.

According to the article the Glock is a damn good gun!!!!

Uncle Sam wants to jail anyone on the planet who uses drugs!

Uncle Sam is a government tyrants who wants to stick his nose into the business of everybody on the planet. In this article Uncle Sam would love to continue to jail poor people in South American who have been chewing on coca leaves for centuries.

Jesus Christ don't the tyrants in the American government have anything constructive to do. You know something to make life better on the planet, instead of jailing everybody on the planet in our unconstitutional drug war?

Dope dealing pigeon?

In this article we find that pigeons are being used to smuggle dope into prisons.

The drug war is certainly a dismal failure if the cops can't get dope out of the most secure places in the world which are prisons.

Let's face it, we need to end the insane drug war and legalize all drugs now!

Cop gets slap on wrist for torture

In this article a Chicago cop gets a slap on the wrist (4 1/2 years) for torturing suspects and forcing them to confess to crimes they often didn't commit.

But remember if you call them PIGS, alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli is going to come back and tell you that PIGs stands for Pride, Integrity and Guts!

Snow? What's snow?

We don't have snow in Phoenix but if you check out these articles you will see lots of snow in the rest of the USA!

Judge drops murder charges because of police misconduct!

I am amazed at how crooked cops and prosecutors can be despite the fact that they are armed to the teeth and have all the laws on their side.

In this article a judge dropped some murder charges because it sounds like the cops forced the guy to confess.

Chandler Light Rail Pork

In this article light rail pork comes to Chandler, Arizona!!!!

Some problems with that Global Warming Data?

In this article it looks like there is some problems with the Global Warming data!

Cops says screw the DNA evidence - he is guilty

In this article the Gilbert cops says screw the evidence that proves the guy is innocent, he must be guilty for one reason or another.

If you find this shocking that is sad because it happens rather frequently.

What are the cops going to do after they frame somebody, put them in jail for 6 years and then discover the poor slob is innocent and never did anything wrong.

I guess they could say "gee we f*cked up royal, do you think we should turn in ourselves for purjury and do some time in prison too?"

Of course that never happens. Instead the cops claim that the guy was guilty all along to justify the crimes of the police.

State of the Union BS

In this article Obama shovels the BS big time and gives us the 2011 State of the Union Address. Included is the full text of the State of Union address.

Government employees don't have Constitutional rights

I am certainly not a fan of big government, but I do think that all people including government employees should have Constitutional rights.

According to this article it sounds like our government rulers think that government employees should not have Constitutional rights.

Map of US, Mexican border

This map of the U.S. and Mexican border shows which sections of the border have fences and which sections don't have fences.

If you ask me that is some pretty useful information for someone who needs to cross the border and doesn't have the papers required by the US government.


Some Laws I would like to see passed

  Here are a few laws I would like passed to make the world a better place to live and to make government rulers accountable for their actions, and to prevent our government masters from micromanaging our lives.

This is just wishful thinking on my part, with the assumption that we are going to have government forced on us.

In reality I am a Libertarian Anarchist and I don't think any government should be allowed to rule over you, unless you give that government consent to rule over you.

And of course if you give a government consent to rule over you, you should always have the option of revoking that consent

Is Global Warming a Farce?

I don't know if "global warming" is a farce or not. But I do think that government should get involved with trying to fix the alleged "global warming" crisis.

This article seems to say that some of the assumptions behind the alleged "global warming" thinking have some serious problems.

Republicans and Democrats continue to lose ground

About 15 years ago when I became a Libertarian people who were registered as Independents were about 10 percent of the registered voters.

That number has continued to grow over the years and now is three times that and Independents are about 31 percent of the registered voters.

This article article says that Independents now out number Democrats in Arizona.

The good news is that people are getting sick of the Republicans and Democrats who in reality bring us the same tax and spend police state policies.

What less government, less taxes? Then register to vote as a Libertarian and always vote Libertarian.

How do you write China in Chinese?

Steve Benson shows us how to write China in this cartoon.

Ex-generals hired as military 'mentors' are paid big bucks

Government rulers tell us they are public servants who work for us. That is rubbish. More often then not government rulers are our royal masters who steal our money and micromanage our lives. In this article it sounds like our military generals are here to pick our pockets and remove every last cent from our wallets.

Obama is going to cut government fat?

Don't make me laugh! Check out this article.

The FBI spy camera knows where you parked in the mall

In this article police departments are getting private businesses to install cameras on private property. Of course these private citizens share the data from the spy cameras the cops gave them with the police.

Hey if you don't like the Amerikan police state move to the Soviet Union!

Big Brother: Digital sensors are watching us

Another article on how Big Brother is using high technology to spy on us and turn Amerika into a police state that looks a lot like the book "1984"

Dig 20 feet to find water

Since I was a small child I always thought that it was amazing that people could just dig into the ground and find water.

In this article they talk about how some kids fell into a well that has water a measly 20 feet under the ground in Gilbert.

Of course finding the water isn't magic like I thought it was when I was a kid.

Rain falls onto the ground and then it sinks till it gets to a layer of earth that is waterproof and traps the water.

Of course over thousands of years a large amount of water gets trapped in the ground. It ain't magic.

ASU tyrants want to ban medical marijuana

Recently the people of Arizona spoke and told the government tyrants we are tired of the insane "war on drugs" and passed Prop 203 which legalized medical marijuana.

According to this article the tyrants that run ASU, U of A and NAU have decided that this law doesn't apply to them.

They are angry because it will cut into their revenue.

So the tyrants at ASU, U of A and NAU want to make medical marijuana illegal on their campuses.

Goodyear Police screw up a whole lot of cases!

According to this article Latroy Campbell falsified reports and closed cases without conducting any investigations.

But on the good side a lot of the cases were victimless crimes that the government has no business arresting and jailing people for.

Valley Metro software glitch allows everybody to ride for free

According to this article for one day everybody rode the buses in Phoenix for free because some type of glitch caused the new version of their software not to be downloaded to all the buses in the Valley Metro system.

Susan Brock loves minors (in a Biblical sense)

My headline of "Susan Brock loves minors (in a Biblical sense)" is good to get your attention and of course make fun of the government nannies that rule over us.

But it is a bad title because the government should not be jailing people for victimless crimes.

In these articles Susan Brock who is the wife of Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock was arrested and jailed for hiring a teenager as a prostitute.

If you ask me Susan Brock is being railroaded for some victimless sex crimes and it is a huge waste of our tax dollars to have the cops waste time investigating and prosecuting people for these victimless crimes.

A 300 percent tax on medical marijuana?

According to this article Arizona House membes Farley and Wheeler along with Arizona Senators Aboud, Cajero-Bedford and Kyrsten Sinema want to slap a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana. That means if an ounce bag of medical marijuana sells for $50 the these government tyrants want to slap a $150 tax on it which will make the ounce of medical marijuana cost $200.

Here is the proposed 300 percent Medical Marijuana Tax.

More light rail pork

Here are some new bus routes which are really government propaganda to push light rail pork.

King James Bible 400 years old

You would figure that if God really existed he would give us his word in a format that everybody in the world could understand clearly in their native language.

Of course if God really exists he screwed that us royal and gave us a whole slew of different versions of his word which conflict with each other.

In this article we find out that the King James version of God's word is 400 years old.

Of course the Catholics and other Christian sects will disagree with the King Jame's bible being the one correct true word of God. So will the Muslims, Hindus and other religions across the planet.

Dope addict Lieutenant General David Fridovich warns about narcotics

In this article Lieutenant General David Fridovich warns about narcotics. As usual the message we get from the government is "Do as I say, not as I do"

The only sane, rational method to deal with the problems of drugs and the "drug war" is to legalize ALL drugs and end the "drug war" now!

CSS clear command

How do you force breaks using CSS or Cascading Style Sheets? I never can remember so I created this documentation which I explained how to use the CSS "clear" command to force a break.

Egyptians demand freedom from their tyrannical government

In this article Egyptian freedom fighter are demanding freedom from their tyrannical government. They want President Hosni Mubarak to step down. President Hosni Mubarak has been the American supported dictator of Egypt for the last 30 years.

Mayor Scott Smith shovels the BS

In this article Mesa, Arizona Mayor Scott Smith shovels the BS and pushes for more government.

Phoenix cop gets a slap on the wrist for stealing $40,000

In this article Phoenix Police Officer James Michael Wren gets a measly 1.5 years in prison for stealing $40,000 from drug dealers.

The bottom line is that the police and government rulers are above the law. They can rob, rape and violate our Constitutional rights with out getting punished and if they do get punished it will usually be a slap on the wrist.

I suspect Phoenix Police Officer and Criminal James Michael Wren sentence will eventually be reduced to probation or he will get out after spending a few weeks in jail.

Arizona Libertarian Party Lawsuit

ALP vs ALP Inc

This looks like it is either when ALP won the lawsuit against the ALP Inc in the lower court, or where ALP lost the lawsuit against ALP Inc in the appeals court.

For more information you can check out this website which has a copy of the lawsuit on it.

25 years since the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up

In this article it has been 25 years since the Challenger Space Shuttle blew up and NASA didn't say a word about how the disaster was preventable.

True state of the Union: broke

In this article Robert Robb writes about how the tyrants in the Federal government are robbing us serfs they rule over. http://manwomanpeoplerock.tripod.com/ http://american-revolution-ii.tripod.com autorun_files_USB_and_CDs.html create a techie web site with all these articles on techie stuf vote_without_stinking_id.html University of Phoenix donated $1 million to legalize pot Appollo Group donated $1 million to legalize pot cia_costs_80_billion.html take concealed weapons class libertarians.html Phoney Baloney Libertatians running for office - bitch about Marc Victors loan modification stuff 25 cent light rail? get a copy of the law and the penatlies for breaking it xxx Valley Metro to check citizenship of riders? UserId/Password now needed to search Arizona public records flagstaff_parks.html American Declaration of Independence. dog_attack.html e-verify-sign-up.html defend_sb_1070.html mesa_motels_require_id.html emerchant_direct_again.html xxx Valley Metro to check citizenship of riders? UserId/Password now needed to search Arizona public records flagstaff_parks.html Write a few more scrape programs? e-verify-sign-up.html http://american-revolution-ii.tripod.com http://american-revolution-ii.tripod.com

December 2010

Feburary 2011


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