Here are some credit card numbers used by
computer programmers and webmasters which
they use to test their software.
All these credit card numbers are used by computer programmers to test their software.
You can enter ANY expiration date that is in the future when you use them.
You can enter any PIN number of secret code number when you test them.
When you use one of these credit card numbers
the credit card will be validated as being a good
credit card but the vendors account will not be
credited with any money or cash.
And since these credit cards are "test credit cards"
there is not an account associated with the credit card
which will have money billed to it.
The vendors site is supposed to realized the
credit card number is a "test credit card" and
not give you any of the merchanzied ordered.
Some vendors allow you to use purchase amount of $0
when your testing the software with these credit card
numbers. Other vendors require a positive number of
the transaction of one cent $.01 for testing.
When I write my software I usually use an amount of
zero dollars or one cent to test the software with these
"test credit cards"
After I test all of my software and get the bugs out of
it I usually run one set of final tests with a real credit
card. In that case I void out the transactions when I am
done testing.
Here are the numbers:
Vendor | Credit Card |
Amex | 341111111111111 |
amex | 343339120938780 |
amex | 347374122546782 |
Amex | 370000000000002 |
amex | 371449635398431 |
amex | 371805234365305 |
amex | 371834572094244 |
amex | 378282246310005 |
amex | 379081875882170 |
amexCorp | 378734493671000 |
AustralianBankCard | 5610591081018250 |
Dankort | 5019717010103742 |
Dankort | 76009244561 |
Diners | 30313244646221 |
Diners | 30374121302577 |
Diners | 30569309025904 |
Diners | 38000000000006 |
Diners | 38520000023237 |
Diners | 38643442749019 |
Discover | 6011000000000012 |
Discover | 6011000990139424 |
discover | 6011091609054773 |
Discover | 6011111111111117 |
discover | 6011367898207367 |
Discover | 6011601160116611 |
discover | 6011627127307829 |
Enroute | 201486663217758 |
Enroute | 214908516906134 |
Enroute | 214975947175837 |
Generic | 4111111111111111 |
Generic | 7777666655554444 |
JCB | 180025296581332 |
JCB | 210016384979060 |
JCB | 210080256188358 |
JCB | 3088000000000017 |
JCB | 3096919816438964 |
JCB | 3112666074100717 |
JCB | 3528396212651516 |
JCB | 3530111333300000 |
JCB | 3530111333300000 |
JCB | 3566002020360505 |
MasterCard | 4222222222222 |
Mastercard | 5100222888321898 |
MasterCard | 5105105105105100 |
Mastercard | 5125942036465252 |
Mastercard | 5127414124851874 |
Mastercard | 5378581966044200 |
Mastercard | 5380121566532472 |
MasterCard | 5424000000000015 |
MasterCard | 5431111111111111 |
Mastercard | 5438304459758345 |
Mastercard | 5443557203728194 |
Mastercard | 548171619442 8791 |
Mastercard | 5482740043862066 |
Mastercard | 5483224253772330 |
MasterCard | 5555555555554444 |
Paymentech | 6331101999990016 |
PBS | 5019717010103742 |
PBS | 76009244561 |
Solo | 6331101999990016 |
Switch | 6331101999990016 |
VISA | 4005550000000019 |
Visa | 4007000000027 |
visa | 4007722804718694 |
Visa | 4012888818888 |
Visa | 4012888888881881 |
visa | 4024007172915 |
VISA | 4111111111111111 |
Visa | 4222222222222 |
Visa | 4444333322221111 |
visa | 4485882675559360 |
visa | 4485928448215 |
visa | 4532073888696297 |
visa | 4556407027306 |
visa | 4556762951793970 |
visa | 4556989866728722 |
visa | 4716129958671 |
visa | 4716166510764026 |
visa | 4716241446522 |
visa | 4916388546101043 |
visa | 4929057458987617 |
visa | 4929210107724077 |
visa | 4929856764353244 |
Voyager | 869904660644843 |
voyager | 869939694746651 |
voyager | 869956410897188 |